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The vpack program accepts a list of parameters as follows:

vpack <>  [-u]
                  [-s Source file(s)]
                  [-i IMAKE template file(s)]
                  [-b VMS build file(s)]
                  [-m UNIX make file(s)]
                  [-p PDF file(s)]
                  [-t Test file(s)]
                  [-d Documentation file(s)]
                  [-o "Other" file(s)]

The `` -b'' (VMS build file) and `` -m'' (Unix makefile) should not be used. The `` -i'' (Imakefile) option should be used instead. Machine-specific build files are allowed only under very unusual circumstances.

The `` -u'' option tells vpack that the module is unportable (VMS-specific), so the correct header information can be generated (the default for executing the COM file directly with no arguments is changed from ``STD'' to ``SYS''). If vpack is used with unportable modules, `` -u'' must be present; for portable modules, it must not be.

If you call the vpack program with no parameters, the program will tell you that you have made a syntax error and will tell you the proper syntax to use.

Based on the parameters provided, the vpack program will create the new COM file (named in the first argument), read the lists of files in the order given, and append them to the new COM file. None of the source files is altered or deleted. The output of the program is the new COM file, which is an ASCII file. The vpack program requires that the COM filename be included as a parameter and also requires that at least one list of files be included.

As an example, the command necessary to assemble the Magellan program view into a COM file is:

vpack -s view.h host.c image.c overlap.c view.c
               -i view.imake
               -p view.pdf
               -t tstview.pdf tstview.scr

You will note that an include file (view.h) is considered a ``source'' file. Multiple file names can be separated by commas or spaces or both. Of course, if you spread the command over several lines like that, you would need to use a continuation character appropriate for the operating system you are using.

The vpack program can be executed in three different ways. The command can be executed directly from the command line as shown above, assuming the command line is long enough to hold the entire command. It can also be executed from a repack file created by the vpack program. For example, the repack file created for the view program is as follows:

$ vpack -
        -s view.h host.c image.c overlap.c view.c -
        -i view.imake -
        -p view.pdf -
        -t tstview.pdf tstview.scr
$ Exit

Under VMS only, this file can be executed directly by typing:


The operating system will read the file and execute it exactly as if you had typed the command from the command line. The same limit on the length of a command line applies in this case.

The third method for executing the vpack program also uses the repack file, but uses it as a parameter to the program. Type:

vpack view.repack

to execute the program. This is the preferred method, and is required under Unix since DCL COM files cannot be executed directly. There is no command line length limit with this method.

The vpack program creates a COM file in the following format:

If the COM file includes an imakefile, for use with vimake, the COM file header options will include many of the options which can be utilized by the generated build file (e.g., COMPILE, ALL, SYSTEM, CLEAN, etc.). The vpack program is intelligent enough to adjust the header options based on the type of files included. If only source files are assembled into the COM file, then the only options listed in the header will be those which unpack the various files - such options as compiling and linking will not be included. If the COM file does not include a PDF file, then the option to unpack the PDF file is omitted from the COM file, and so on.

A typical header, once again for the view program, is shown below. Since the view program includes source files, a PDF file, test files, and an imakefile, all of these options are listed in the header file. The various options for the COM file are only available under VMS. The options are discussed in greater detail below. For further information on the use of vimake and the build options, see Section , vimake.

$! Compile+link proc for MIPL module view
$! VPACK Version 1.4, Thursday, June 25, 1992, 09:41:13
$! Execute by entering:		$ @view
$! The primary option controls how much is to be built.  It must be in
$! the first parameter.  Only the capitalized letters below are necessary.
$! Primary options are:
$!   COMPile     Compile the program modules
$!   ALL         Build a private version, and unpack the PDF and DOC files.
$!   STD         Build a private version, and unpack the PDF file(s).
$!   SYStem      Build the system version with the CLEAN option, and
$!               unpack the PDF and DOC files.
$!   CLEAN       Clean (delete/purge) parts of the code, see secondary options
$!   UNPACK      All files are created.
$!   REPACK      Only the repack file is created.
$!   SOURCE      Only the source files are created.
$!   SORC        Only the source files are created.
$!               (This parameter is left in for backward compatibility).
$!   PDF         Only the PDF file is created.
$!   TEST        Only the test files are created.
$!   IMAKE       Only the IMAKE file (used with the VIMAKE program) is created.
$!   DOC         Only the documentation files are created.
$!   The default is to use the STD parameter if none is provided.
$! The secondary options modify how the primary option is performed.
$! Note that secondary options apply to particular primary options,
$! listed below.  If more than one secondary is desired, separate them by
$! commas so the entire list is in a single parameter.
$! Secondary options are:
$! COMPile,ALL:
$!   DEBug      Compile for debug               (/debug/noopt)
$!   PROfile    Compile for PCA                 (/debug)
$!   LISt       Generate a list file            (/list)
$!   LISTALL    Generate a full list            (/show=all)   (implies LIST)
$!   OBJ        Delete object and list files, and purge executable (default)
$!   SRC        Delete source and make files
$ write sys$output "*** module view ***"

As was stated above, each of the following options is only available when the COM file is executed under VMS. To unpack files from the COM file in the UNIX environment, the companion program vunpack must be used.

It should be noted that many of these options pertaining to the build process will not typically be used. The preferred way of modifying an application is to unpack it, change it, and repack the results when it's ready for delivery. The same options are available on the vimake-generated BLD file. However, the COM file may be edited directly without unpacking, in which case these options could be useful.

The remaining COM file options all have to do with which files are unpacked from the COM file. This gives you complete control over which files are removed from the COM file. When the files are unpacked from the COM file, the COM file itself remains unaltered.

Since the COM file created by vpack is an ASCII file, it is editable by the user. It is recommended, however, that you follow the normal procedure of unpacking the file(s), making and testing the necessary modifications, then using vpack to rebuild the COM file.