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11.9 x/zvsptr—String parameter processing subroutine.

call xvsptr( val, count, ptr, len ) 
status = zvsptr( val, count, ptr, len ) 
Deprecated. The parameter processing routines ( xvparm et al ) will, in the absence of string length information, return multi valued string arrays in a packed format which must be unpacked using x/zvsptr. This packed format (and x/zvsptr) should not be used. Provide the parameter processing routine with a CHARACTER*n array in FORTRAN, or a two-dimensional array of characters with a non-zero LENGTH parameter in C, instead. A normal array of strings will then be returned, and x/zvsptr will not be needed.
x/zvsptr returns pointers to multiple strings returned by x/zvparm. This function is needed when a multi-valued string parameter has been declared to be a BYTE array or CHARACTER (non-array) constant in the application program.
On return from x/zvsptr, PTR(I) contains the sequence number of the first byte of the Ith string. (i.e., PTR(1) should always be 1.)
If specified, LEN(I) will contain the length of the Ith string. The indices in PTR are FORTRAN type; that is, the first element is 1.


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