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1.7 Using Binary Labels

The use of binary labels are not portable across computer architectures. Property labels should be used instead. They serve the same function as binary headers, though possibly not binary prefixes. Binary labels are allowed, but before creating a new format, stop to consider if property labels might be a better approach. See Using Property Labels, for details.
Binary labels are application-defined extensions to a VICAR image used to store information about the image. They have two parts: binary headers: extra records at the beginning of the image, and binary prefixes: extra bytes at the beginning of each image record. Binary labels are not part of image data. An application will never see the binary label data unless it specifically asks for it via a COND BINARY optional to x/zvopen.
Binary headers are extra records that appear at the beginning of the file, between the standard label and the image. The number of records is specified by the NLB (Number of Lines of Binary) system label item. Binary headers are often thought of as extra “lines” of data, but depending on the file organization they can actually be extra lines, samples, or bands. The size of each binary header record is exactly the same as the size of each image record. The headers specified by NLB occur exactly once in the file, not once per band (BSQ organization) or once per line (BIL or BIP organization).
Binary prefixes are extra bytes that appear at the beginning of each image record. The number of bytes is specified by the NBB (Number of Bytes of Binary) system label item. The image record consists of NBB bytes of binary prefix data, followed by the samples that make up one line (for BSQ organization). Other file organizations label the units differently: a record for BIL is NBB plus the samples that make up one band, while a record for BIP is NBB plus the bands that make up one sample. NBB is specified in terms of bytes, not in terms of pixels, even if the pixels are larger than one byte.
Binary labels (both headers and prefixes) pose a problem: the data stored in them is application-defined. The RTL can’t determine what types of data are stored in a binary label, and therefore cannot automatically convert the data to the native host format as it does for image data. The application program has sole responsibility for converting binary data to the native host format when it is read.
Few application programs understand any given kind of binary label. For example, the Voyager project has a definition for what goes in the binary label of its images. The Voyager-specific processing programs know how to interpret these labels and make use of them. The Galileo project also has a definition for its binary labels. Galileo-specific programs can interpret the Galileo binary labels. However, the two kinds of binary labels are different, and programs written for one cannot make use of the other. The Magellan project has its own binary labels in yet another format.
The variety of binary labels poses a problem for a general-purpose application. They could certainly be ignored, but then the information would be lost. Therefore, many general-purpose programs copy the binary labels from the input to the output, thereby preserving the information. As long as the information is only copied, not used, the application need not know any details.
But what happens when you mix machine types? A file with binary labels was written on a VAX. You want to run COPY on the file from a Sun. COPY reads the input image, and writes the output image. The RTL automatically converts the image data from VAX to Sun format on input, and so the file gets written in Sun format. The system labels also say it is in Sun format. COPY also reads the binary labels, and writes them to the output file. The binary labels cannot be converted, as neither the RTL nor the COPY program know what data types are in the binary labels. Therefore, the binary labels get written out in the only way possible: in VAX format.
The problem is that the system labels say the file is in Sun format, but the binary labels are still in VAX format.

1.7.1 Separate Host Types

The solution to the binary label problem is separate host formats for the image and the binary label. The system labels HOST, INTFMT, and REALFMT describe the host formats for the image host type, while the system labels BHOST, BINTFMT, and BREALFMT describe the host formats for the binary .
It is possible to generate files that have data in two different host formats: one for the image itself and one for the binary labels. This is not particularly desirable, but there is no practical alternative. As long as applications make sure they use the binary label host formats while accessing the binary labels, there’s no problem. However, this does place a burden on application programmers to make sure they access binary labels correctly.
UPDATE mode changes a file in place (rather than by copying) but does not convert it to native format. The application must write out any binary label updates in the format of the file, or it must read and re-write the entire binary label in a native format. The RTL handles the conversion automatically for image data.
A set of subroutines should be written for each type of binary label to read/write/update that label. If all applications used this set of subroutines, it wouldn't matter what format the binary labels were kept in. The subroutines would be able to adapt and hide the details from the application program. If changes were made to the binary labels, or even if they were converted to property labels, the only code that would need to change would be the subroutines that access them.

1.7.2 Programming and Binary Labels

This Section shows how application programs make use of the binary label support features provided by the RTL.
The use of binary labels is discouraged, due to portability problems. Where possible, property labels should be used instead. They usually serve the same function as binary headers, though possibly not binary prefixes. Binary labels are allowed, but before creating a new format, stop to consider if property labels might be a better approach. See Using Property Labels, for details.
The first problem is to open the file. Opening a file for input, update, and output will be covered separately, as the behavior is slightly different. All modes make use of x/zvadd and x/zvopen to open the files. The optional arguments mentioned may be used with either routine.
For an input file, binary label host formats are obtained from the BHOST, BINTFMT, and BREALFMT system labels in the input file. The host formats thus obtained are used for the x/zvpixsizeb and x/zvtrans_in routines, as well as for x/zvget. The labels in the file are assumed to be correct, so there is no real override. If you need an override, you can always use the host formats directly through x/zvpixsize or x/zvtrans_in. If the input file does not have the BHOST, etc. labels (for older images), then VAX format is assumed. If the input file has no label at all (COND NOLABELS), then the binary host formats are obtained from the BHOST, BINTFMT, and BREALFMT optional arguments to x/zvadd or x/zvopen.
For an update file, binary label host formats are also obtained from the file. The only difference is if you wish to change the binary label type of the file. You would need to re-write all the binary labels in the new format (be careful because the size might change), but you would also need to change the binary label format system label items (BHOST, BINTFMT, and BREALFMT) via x/zladd. If you use x/zladd to change these items, then do not use x/zvget on them, or use x/zvpixsizeb or x/zvtrans_in at all, as these routines may still use the original binary label format. The x/zlget routine would get the new values.
The BLTYPE optional argument is not used for input or update files. You may change the BLTYPE system label on an update file via x/zladd, however. See the next section for a description of BLTYPE.
Output files are more complex. There are two basic cases: either you convert the binary labels to native format, or you leave them alone. Which option you choose is controlled by the BIN_CVT optional argument.
If you set BIN_CVT to ON, write the binary labels in the native host format. The BHOST, BINTFMT, and BREALFMT system label items are set automatically to the native host formats. There is no override; the corresponding optional arguments are disabled when BIN_CVT is ON.
Turn BIN_CVT ON if you are writing a new file with binary labels in native format. Although the name implies “convert”, it applies to any binary labels written in native format. If BIN_CVT is ON, then the application must know the kind of binary label being written. To do this, set the BLTYPE label using the BLTYPE optional argument. See the next section for a description of BLTYPE.
If BIN_CVT is OFF (default), then the assumption is that you are copying the binary label without converting it. The binary label host formats used are those of the primary input file. If the primary input is not available, the default is VAX format. The primary input may be changed with x/zvselpi.
BIN_CVT OFF is the appropriate mode to use for general-purpose applications that do not know the format of the binary label. The BHOST, BINTFMT, and BREALFMT optional arguments to x/zvadd and x/zvopen will override any other settings, so you could write binary labels in an arbitrary format by setting to OFF and setting the three optional arguments to appropriate values.
If you need to write specifically in VAX format, then do not depend on the default being VAX format (as mentioned above). That may not be reliable, depending on the primary input. If you want to write in a specific format, specify that format in the optional arguments. Do not use x/zladd to change the binary label system label items on an output file. Specify them when you open the file.
The BLTYPE optional argument is active if is OFF. Set it if you know the kind of binary label being written. BLTYPE comes from the primary input if you do not specify it. See the next section for a description of BLTYPE.
Once a file is open, translate the binary label data you read and/or write to/from native format. The actual translations are performed in the same way as described in the rest of . Section Data Types and Host Representations (page 9), except using the BHOST, BINTFMT, and BREALFMT labels and the x/zvpixsizeb and x/zvtrans_inb routines.
As mentioned previously, all binary label data read in must be converted to native format before being used. There are no exceptions to this rule.
Binary labels written out to a file may be in either native or foreign formats, as discussed previously.

1.7.3 Binary Label Types

BLTYPE improves the documentation of files and makes the VICAR system more robust. Everyone using binary labels is encouraged to make use of BLTYPE.
BLTYPE is a string that describes the kind of binary label in the file. It may be set with x/zvadd or x/zvopen, or by calling x/zladd on an already open file. No error checking or range of valid values are enforced by the RTL.
The BLTYPE should be a short (maximum 32 characters) string that names the binary label type. It does not attempt to describe the fields in the binary label at all, but merely provides a pointer to how the fields could be determined. Some of the currently registered names are “GLL_SSI_EDR”, “IBIS”, and “M94_HRSC”.
To maintain a consistent set of names, a name registry (similar to the one for properties) has been established for BLTYPE. Possible values for BLTYPE must be entered into this registry, with a pointer to documentation describing the format of the binary label. To create a new kind of binary label, tell the keeper of the registry what name you want to use and the format, either explicitly or by stating that it is in document X. The registrar will check for duplicates, approve your request and enter your name into the registry.
The keeper of this registry is the VICAR system programmer.
The RTL makes no checks on the validity of the names used. It is the responsibility of each individual programmer to make sure that they use this system. Failure to do so may result in your program not being accepted for delivery.
Application programs that expect a certain kind of binary label should check the value of BLTYPE to make sure that they have been given the correct type, and issue an error message if it is incorrect. If BLTYPE is not present or blank, assume that the binary label is of the correct type for backwards compatibility.
More sophisticated application programs could use the BLTYPE field to read several different kinds of binary labels. These could be different versions of the same basic binary label (e. g. a type of “X V2. 0” for version 2 of the X label type), or labels from different projects. Widespread use of BLTYPE will allow a general-purpose program to be written that understands most binary label types.

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