Solaris 2.5 Notes [PREVIOUS] [TOP] [NEXT]

4.3 Notes on using Solaris 2.5

The current distributed version of VICAR is compiled and linked on Solaris 2.4, and we only guarantee it on that platform. Any incompatibility with 2.5 is Sun's fault. You'd think they'd want to ship an incremental upgrade that would work with executables linked with the previous version!

However, we have installed VICAR on a couple Solaris 2.5 systems. It works fine, once you copy the and libraries (exact, and I do mean exact file names) from a Solaris 2.4 system, if you don't have them already.

After you copy these libraries over, the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environmental variable has to point to the directory they're in, if you don't or can't put them in the default /usr/lib/ (or for /usr/lang/lib/ directories.

If any smart-aleck asks you why we didn't link VICAR statically to avoid these library problems, tell her/him that this would almost double the size of VICAR.

You can copy the 2.4 libraries to your 2.5 system's /usr/lib without any conflicts, since Sun changes the filenames. Another way would be to create a new directory, say /usr/lib/2.4/ or the like, and copy all the lib* files to it. Then add that directory to the end of LD_LIBRARY_PATH. Those lib* may be in a number of different directories, though, like: /usr/openwin/lib, /usr/4lib/ or /usr/dt/lib, so don't stop at /usr/lib.

If you wondering why you can't fool Solaris 2.5 with symbolic links to other library versions, see below:

% ln -s /usr/4lib/
% vicar

VICAR>zfill a b /usr/local/vicar/vicar160/p2/lib/sun-solr/zfill: fatal: 
relocation error: symbol not found: ___ansi_fflush: referenced in /home/
[TAE-PRCSTRM] Abnormal process termination; process status code = 9.
% rm
% ln -s /usr/4lib/
% vicar

VICAR>zfill a b /usr/local/vicar/vicar160/p2/lib/sun-solr/zfill: fatal: 
relocation error: symbol not found: ___ansi_fflush: referenced in /home/
[TAE-PRCSTRM] Abnormal process termination; process status code = 9.
% rm
% ln -s /usr/4lib/
% vicar

VICAR>zfill a b /usr/local/vicar/vicar160/p2/lib/sun-solr/zfill: fatal: 
relocation error: symbol not found: _fp_direction: referenced in /home/
[TAE-PRCSTRM] Abnormal process termination; process status code = 9.