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The Deep Space 1 Mission

Last update on April 14, 1998
Send questions, comments and corrections to DBA


    The Deep Space 1 Mission is supported by a database named ds1 located in the Sybase DBMS server MIPSDB1. It has two tables. ds1Files contains information about the mission's MICAS and navigation files. The blocks table contains about 2000 block records for each file in the ds1Files table. The two tables are related by the field fileId.

    Click on one of the tables in the diagram to go directly to the table's definition, or choose from one the categories listed below to get a broader introduction to the objects in the ds1 database.

DBA Notes

    Database size

    MIPL will receive two types of data for the DS1 mission: image and navigation. Each image and navigation file contains a set of blocks. A record is inserted or updated in the ds1 database for each packet in a file.

    Over the life of the mission, MIPL expects to receive a total of approximately 1,500 image files and 4 to 8 navigation files. (The actual number of navigation files will be much larger than number, but old versions of navigation files are replaced with new ones as they arrive, so the total number of navigation files on hand at any one time is 4 to 8.)

    Each file contains about 2,000 blocks, so each file results in 2,000 entries in the database. Image files are unique, so we expect to store 1,500 x 2,000 => 3,000,000 records describing image blocks. The set of navigation files get updated, so current rows in the database that describe navigation blocks get updated as well. For 8 navigation files, each with 2,000 blocks, the database will store 16,000 rows in the database. (When a navigation file is first received, packet data is inserted. After that, rows are updated as replacement navigation files arrive.

    The total number of rows for both types of files is approximately 3,016,000. Note the navigation files will cause a large number of updates to occur. This is the most expensive type of database operation in terms of transaction log storage requirements, so the database's transaction log must be sized accordingly.

    Data rates

    On a weekly basis, MIPL can expect to receive bursts of 4 images files or 1 navigation file. At most, this should result in 4 x 2,000 => 8,000 new records per week. The 'ds1' database contains two primary user tables, 'ds1Files' and 'blocks'. Estimated sizes of each table were computed using 'sp_estspace': sp_estspace ds1Files, 1500, NULL, "name" => 0.27 MBs sp_estspace blocks, 3000000 => 64.53 MBs The space require for the definition of objects in the database is ~ 5.5 MBs. The recommented starting size of the database is 75 MBs.

FEI Support

    Each image file is 2.2 megabytes in size. Each navigation file is 6-8 megabytes in size. Total image file space requirements are therefore: images 2.2 x 1,500 => 3,300 megabytes. navigation 8 x 8 => 64 megabytes.

    The file types for ds1 are: