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Database fei
Tables & Views

Last update on April 13, 1998
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    accessRoleInfo (view)
    A view of the accessRoles table where the capability bit values are given string equivalents.

    The access roles that can be applied to users and file types. An access role is defined by it ability to perform get, add, delete, or replace transactions. The proprietaryGet field applies if the proprietaryTime field in the fileTypes table is defined for an associated file type. See also fileTypes, fileTypeRoles and userRoles.

    Lists of FEI server names and network configuration information. Associated with fileTypes by the feiServerIdx. Note: FEI current only supports TCP/IP connections. See also fileTypes.

    Defines the services triggered for a file type and transaction type, i.e, get, add, replace or delete. The order in which services are called is determined by the sequenceNumber value. See also fileTypes.

    fileInfo (view)
    A view that returns information about a file along with its file type. File status values are returned with their text equivalents by this view.

    Holds descriptive text for status values used in the files table. A files status can be: 0 - error during file add, replace or delete. 1 - the file is currently being added. 2 - the file is currently being deleted. 3 - the file is currently being replaced. 4 - the file was successfully added or replaced.

    A value of 4 is what you want to see once a tranaction completes. A value of 0 means the transaction could not be completed or reversed. In that case the file and its file record should be removed from the system. Values 1, 2, and 3 indicate a transaction in progress. You should not access a file while it's in this state. A server parameter can be set to remove files and file records with this parameter when the server is first started or during house cleaning.

    fileTypeConfigInfo (view)
    Shows the relationships among FEI file servers, file types managed by the server, and a mission's target database.

    fileTypeInfo (view)
    Returns information on the roles and capabilities associated with a file type.

    fileTypeRoleInfo (view)
    Returns information on the roles and capabilities associated with a file type.

    Lists valid access roles for particular file types. See also accessRoles and userRoles.

    Records information about each file FEI adds or replaces in the system. Each file is associated with a fileTypes by the its ftIdx.

    The status values that a file can have are explained in fileStatus.

    Lists information about the types of files in the system. Each file type is associated with a single FEI server whose feiServerIdx value is present in the record. Each file in the files table is associated with one of the file types listed in this table. Access roles are also associated with file types through the ftIdx value. See also feiServers and files.

    The value of spaceReserved is not used by FEI servers. It must be supplied so system administrators know how much room to allocate for files of the specified type. Also, FEI servers do not update spaceUsed. This can be done manually from time to time using the information in the file system or in the files table.

    The definitions of FEI server paramaters than can be associated with a server in the srvParameters table.

    srvParameterInfo (view)
    Returns information about FEI servers and the parameters that defined their configuration.

    A table of parameters and values associated with an FEI server. A server reads its parameter set from this table. Servers are defined in the table feiServers. Note: This table is not used in FEI version 3.0.

    userRoleInfo (view)
    Returns information about users and the capabilities they have on different file types. The ability to query this table should be limited to FEI administrators.

    Lists the roles users may take on. A user may have more than than one access role. Each row in the table associates a user with a particular role. Multiple rows per user result in multiple user records in this table. See also accessRoles and fileTypeRoles.