FEI Release Notes

Delivery 31 - February, 2004 (Solaris 2.8)

  • No new capabilities.

Delivery 30 - August 11, 2003 (Solaris 2.8)

  • Updated FEI3 restart capability to compare the cached domain file reference with the current FEI env reference. If the values are different, then both feisubscribe and feinotify will output a warning message to notify the user anduse the latest FEI env value. If the file type being restarted is no longer available in the new domain file, then both feisubscribe and feinotify will exit with error messge on invalid file type and the cache file will not be updated.

Delivery 29 - February 17, 2003 (Solaris 2.7)

  • Cleaned up memory leak when accessing the server from an incompatible client
  • Compiled with the Sun Forte 6.2 compiler
  • Added code to check for invalid user inputs for file name, transfer code, and time bound values that may be generated by legacy FEI clients.
  • Introduced the optional server configuration parameter '-c' to enable FEI server administrator to specify the maximum file buffer size being used by the subscription queue. The value of the new parameter takes an integer value that is in unit of MB with minimum value of 32. When the subscription queue can no longer buffer addtional file, it switches to use the defered cache mode by writing cache files in the same directory as the subscribed file type. The cache files are exact copies of the original files, but with distinct names to prevent from deletion. The cach files will be removed when the files are successfully being recached back to the subscription queue to be shipped to subscribers. The advantage of using the configuration parameters is the memory consumption by the server will be much more manageable. The disadvantage is the server will be using more disk space. The FEI administrator should consider using this configuration parameter when files being pushed into FEI server is in much greater rate than the subscribers can ingest. This is often the case with remote subscribers with slow network connections.
  • Use database sorting. Improves feilist of filetypes with a large number of files.
  • feiget will accept a filename of up to 60 characters.
  • Handles transfering of large files.
  • Result set numbering to stdout of files when adding or replacing more than 15 files with feiadd and feireplace has been fixed
  • feirename command produces a confirmation message.

Delivery 28 - August 1, 2002

  • Migrated from Kerberos 4 to Kerberos 5 for authentication.
  • Kerberos 5 has a new feikinit command line syntax, user name must be supplied on the command line. Syntax: feikinit "username"

Delivery 27 - October 1, 2001

  • Corrected AR 104462 on handling long file names
  • Corrected AR 104585 on date parsing
  • Closed CR 7887 and 7890 (feiList performance improvement and time bound query) by
    -- Removed client-size filtering of profile objects.
    -- Updated client library code for additional time stamp protocol.
    -- Updated stored procedure 'getFilesForType' to allow for time-bounded query for files
    -- The updated stored procedure returns an inclusive set for 'between... and...' command keyword.
    -- The updated stored procedure returns an exclusive set for 'before' and 'after' keywords.

Delivery 26 - May 1, 2001

  • Improved parameter-driven command line output by reusing command table object.
  • Corrected AR 105689

Delivery 25 - October 1, 2000

  • Redesign the implementation of the FEI command line utilities by applying Object-Oriented concepts to reduce code size and eliminate code redundancies. The new implementation uses table-driven object-oriented command parser to ensure scalable efficient text processing. The source code size has been reduced by 66%.
  • Corrected ARs 104052, 104053, 104448, 104463, 104583, 104584, 104586, 104587, 104588, 104589, 104665, and 104676.

Delivery 24 - April 2000

  • Added the capability to perform FEI utilities based on input from an ascii file which may contain instructions for multiple files from different fileTypes. The following fei utilities were modified:
    - feiAdd
    - feiDelete
    - feiReplace
    - feiCheckFiles
    - feiRename
    - feiGet

    These utilities allows the user to:

    - Manipulates files for many file type with single operation
    - Use the same record structure when input comes from a file that is currently in used when input comes from the command line for single file type operations.
    - Assembles records for heterogeneous file types in a single text file before executing the utilities
    - Get many files from the FEI server having the same or multiple different file types to different local directories in a single operation
    - Add many files to the FEI server having the same or multiple different file types from different local directories in a single operation
    - Replace many files on the FEI server having the same or multiple different file types from different local directories in a single operation
    - Rename many files on the FEI server having the same or multiple different file types
    - Check files to see:
    *** if the file(s) exists both on the FEI server and the user directory
    *** if the file(s) exists on the FEI server but not in the user directory
    *** if the file(s) exists in the user directory but not on the FEI server
    *** if the file(s) exists neither on the FEI server nor in the user directory

    The command structure, with using option, for these utilities is shown below:

    <fei utility > using <[pathname/]text file> [verbose]

    where "fei utility" can be: feiAdd, feiDelete, feiReplace, feiRename,
    feiget, feiCheckFiles

    and the "text file " is the name of the file which contains 1 - N records. The record structure of the " text file" will vary from utility to utility. As a rule of thumb the record structure of the "text file" used in the utilities, listed above, is exactly same as contents of the command structure used with single file type with the exception of the utility name. The utility name is omitted in the record structure when building the records for the "text file".

    If the "text file" is not in the current local directory the user is required to provide a complete pathname in front of the file name.

    The user is allowed to put commnets in the "text file". The comment line(s) are identified by a "#" symbol in the first character of any record. The records containing the "#" symbol in the first character are ignored by the software. The "#" symbols occurs any where other that the first character are considered valid character and will be processed. Example: You can add a file containig "#" symbol as part of the name of the file such as "moon#".

    The verbose mode allows the user to see the detailed "run time" mesasages seperated by a line. The default is non verbose mode. In a non verbose (default) mode the "run time" messages are not detailed and are not seperated by a line.

Delivery 23 - November 1, 1999

  • Modified feiadd and feifilemaker utilities to provide additional online help.
  • Modified feinotify utility as follows:
    [a]. Options (crc, version, replace and encrypt) used in the option file will be flagged as an error: "Invalid option '*' in the option file", where * implies crc or replace or version or encrypt
    [b]. Changed the name of the restart files from filetype.livelist to filetype.notify and the backup file filetype.livelist~ to filetype.notify~
    [c]. Added pathname on the command line. If the user supplies the path name (name of the directory), the utility uses the pathname to store the restart files (filetype.notify and its backup file filetype.notify~),in the directory provided on the command line, when the user halts the execution of the utility. If the user restart the notification from the directory other than the directory which contains the restart files then the user must supply the directory name on the command line which contains the restart files. If the user restart the notification from the directory which contains the restart files then the user is not required to supply the pathname on the command line.
  • Modified feisubscribe utility as follows:
    [a]. Options replace and version used in the option file together will be flagged as an error: " Combination of version and replace in the option file for subscription is invalid"
    [b]. If the user supplies the path name (name of the directory), the utility uses the pathname to store the restart files (filetype.subscribe and its backup file filetype.subscribe~),in the directory provided on the command line, when the user halts the execution of the utility .If the user restart the subscription from the directory other than the directory which contains the restart files then the user must supply the directory name on the command line which contains the restart files. If the user restart the subscription from the directory which contains the restart files then the user is not required to supply the pathname on the command line.
  • Modified feiCheck utility
    This utility use to hang before completion. The user had to control + c to get out. This utility is now fixed and process the file type until completion.
  • Renamed the following Kerberos utilities:

       Old Utility Name   New Utility Name
       FeiInit              feiKinit
       FeiDestroy           feiKdestroy
       FeiList              feiKlist
       FeiSrvTgt            feiKsrvtgt

  • Changed the name of the following utilities:

       Old Utility Name   New Utility Name
       Fei                  feiHelp or feihelp
       Accept               feiAccept or feiaccept
       Add                  feiAdd or feiadd
       Feicheck             feiCheck or feicheck
       Delete               feiDelete or feidelete
       Display              feiDisplay
       FileMaker            feiFileMaker or feifilemaker
       FileTypes            feiFileTypes or feifiletypes
       Get                  feiGet or feiget
       List                 feiList or feilist
       ListAndGet           feiListGet or feilistget
       MakeClean            feiMakeClean or feimakeclean
       LiveList             feiNotify or feinotify
       Rename               feiRename or feirename
       Replace              feiReplace or feireplace
       Subscribe            feiSubscribe or feisubscribe
       CheckFiles           feiCheckFiles or feicheckfiles

  • Implemented encryption and CRC
  • Added Input/Output capabilites: The Input/Output capabilities allows the user to get file(s) from the server into a directory other than the current directory by supplying the pathname of the directory, on the command line, in which to receive file(s) from the server for the following utilities: - feiGet - feiListGet - feiAccept - feiSubscribe
  • Modified feiNotify (formerly known as LiveList) utility to accept option(s) via command option file
  • Fixed Category 2 FRs

Helen Mortensen Helen.Mortensen@jpl.nasa.gov