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Common Features

All the string conversion routines place great emphasis on the argument list of the C routine that is directly called by Fortran. Certain rules apply to that argument list, and many of the common parameters reference it. All of these apply to the routine called directly by Fortran. Suppose a Fortran routine calls routine a(), which then calls routine b(), and b() wants to call one of these string conversion routines. All of the parameters and rules will apply only to a()'s argument list. Routine b() will need much of the information passed in from a() in order to call the string conversion routines, but all the information is relative to a()'s argument list. In general, it's usually easier to have a() do all the conversion and let b() deal only with C strings, but sometimes that is impractical.

Include file

In order to use any of the routines, you must include the file ``ftnbridge.h''. As with other RTL includes, you must include xvmaininc.h first, and the names must be enclosed in double quotes and end in the ``.h'' extension (you don't need xvmaininc.h if ``vicmain_c'' is included). Example:

#include "xvmaininc.h"
#include "ftnbridge.h"


The flag FTN_STRING must be defined in the imakefile for the program unit if any C routine accepts Fortran strings. This applies to both the direct-called routine, and the routine that ultimately calls one of the conversion routines. The FTN_STRING flag causes the compiler to use a lower level of optimization, which is required on some machines in order to access the argument list. See Section , vimake, for details on the imakefile.


In most routines (see below for the exception), you must include the macro FORSTR_PARAM in the argument list of the directly called routine, and you must put FORSTR_DEF at the end of the formal parameter declaration list, just before the opening brace of the procedure. FORSTR_DEF should not have a semicolon after it, as the semicolon (if needed) is included in the macro definition. These macros are no-ops on many machines, but are required on some in order to get at the Fortran string lengths.

The exception is routines that use the <varargs.h> variable argument mechanism. User subroutines should not normally use varargs, but it is used fairly extensively inside the RTL to handle the keyword-value argument pairs. If you use <varargs.h>, follow all the standard C rules for that mechanism, and you should not use the FORSTR_PARAM or FORSTR_DEF macros.


int constargs(a, s1, s2, b, FORSTR_PARAM)
  int *a, *b;
  char *s1, *s2;
{ ...

int varargs(va_alist) va_dcl { ... }

Argument restrictions

All arguments to the direct-called routine must be the size of a generic pointer. Since Fortran passes everything by reference anyway, all of your arguments will be pointers, so this should not cause a problem.

Arguments to Fortran string conversion routines

The arguments to the Fortran string conversion routines all apply to the argument list of the routine that is directly called by Fortran, not to any intermediary routines.

Some examples may help to clarify things. The routine sfor2c is used in these examples, but the principles apply to all the string conversion routines. The calling sequence for sfor2c is sfor2c(c_string, max_length, for_string, argptr, nargs, argno, strno).

int constargs(a, s1, s2, b, FORSTR_PARAM)
  int *a, *b;
  char *s1, *s2;
{ char cs1[11], cs2[20];
  sfor2c(cs1, 10, s1, &a, 4, 2, 1);
  sfor2c(cs2, 19, s2, &a, 4, 3, 2);

int constargs2(s1, s2, a, s3, b, s4, FORSTR_PARAM) char *s1, *s2, *s3, *s4; int *a, *b; { char cs1[101], cs2[31], cs3[80], cs4[5]; sfor2c(cs1, 100, s1, &s1, 6, 1, 1); sfor2c(cs2, 30, s2, &s1, 6, 2, 2); sfor2c(cs3, 79, s3, &s1, 6, 4, 3); sfor2c(cs4, 4, s4, &s1, 6, 6, 4); }

int varargs(va_alist) va_dcl { char cs[11]; /* set nargs = number of arguments, argno=argument #, and strno=string # */ /* which all come from knowing what to expect in the argument list */ forstr = va_arg(ap, char *); sfor2c(cs, 10, forstr, &va_alist, nargs, argno, strno); }