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Using Property Labels

Property labels are accessed in much the same way that history labels are. The routines x/ zladd, x/ zldel, x/ zlget, and x/ zlinfo have been modified to accept ``PROPERTY'' for the type argument, as well as ``SYSTEM'' and ``HISTORY''. You must specify which property the label belongs to via the ``PROPERTY'' optional argument to these routines. The ``HIST'' and ``INSTANCE'' keywords are not used for property labels. In addition, a new routine, x/ zlpinfo, has been added to get a list of properties in the label, similar to x/ zlhinfo.

From the user's point of view, the LABEL program has been extensively modified to recognize and use property labels. See the help for LABEL for details on how to use it.

Internally, property labels are stored in between the system and history labels. A property set starts with a ``PROPERTY=' property-name''' label item, followed by all labels for that property. The property ends at the next ``PROPERTY'' keyword or at the start of the history labels (indicated by a ``TASK'' keyword).

Properties appear automatically when a label item for that property is added. There is no explicit creation step to add a new property; just add a label item in that property and it will be created. The same is not true for deletion (via the RTL): if you want to delete an entire property you must delete all the elements from it and then delete the ``PROPERTY'' marker (using ``PROPERTY'' as the keyword to delete from the property set). The label-delete program can do this. It is important to note that this is exactly the way history labels work: tasks are created automatically when programs are run, but to delete a task you must delete all the keywords for that task, including the marker labels (``TASK'', ``DAT_TIM'', and ``USER'').

Property labels, like history labels, are automatically copied from the primary input file to the output file. This is done because most properties will not change in a typical program run. Programs should update any properties that do change, of course. The copying of property labels can be controlled via x/ zvselpi.

Property labels are a new feature, and some care must be taken if there is the possibility of using older versions of VICAR that don't support property labels. If you put property labels on an image, then older versions of VICAR will not be able to access the property labels. The image itself and the history label will be accessible, but the property labels will not. There are three problems with using an image with property labels on an old VICAR system. First, a `` label-list 'dump'' will go into an infinite loop if there is more than one property. Other forms of label work fine. Second, if you try to modify a system label item (either through the label program or with x/ zladd), the system label item will go after the property labels (which are treated as unknown system label items). This can be a problem on the old system if the property labels are very long, and it is definitely a problem if you then try to use the image on a system that supports property labels. Third, property labels will not be copied from the primary input to the output on a system that does not support them. The information would be lost. So, be careful when using property labels if there is the possibility of mixing systems.

If you are implementing something new, like a look-up table or a new flight label, then you can use the property labels with no problems. However, if you are moving something that used to use history labels to the property label, like the map projection or an old flight label, then you have to make sure that you can read files with the information either in the property label or in the history label. This is because old images with the information in the history label exist and will be used. For this case, you might want to adopt a similar strategy to the reading of other host's data: read the label from either the property or history label (wherever it is), but only write out property labels.