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Given a stereo pair of images and a low-resolution or low-quality disparity
map representing line and sample disparities for every pixel in the scene,
this program refines the disparities to create a higher-quality map.
The input typically comes from a 1-D, fast correlator such as MARSJPLSTEREO.
The output is typically run through the program MARSXYZ to generate X,Y,Z
coordinates over the entire image.

This is a general-purpose correlation program, which does not make use of
any pointing or camera model information.  The input images do not have to
be registered or epipolar aligned, as long as a lower-quality disparity map
is available.  However, MARSJPLSTEREO requires aligned images with camera
models, so the inputs will typically be so.

This program is derived from MARSCORR and MARSCOR2.

marscor3 inp=(left,right) out=disparity in_disp=input_disparity params

left is the left eye image of a stereo pair
right is the corresponding right eye image of a stereo pair
disparity is the output disparity map (one or two files).
input_disparity is the input disparity map (one or two files).

Although "left" and "right" are used above, there is no actual restriction
that the first image be left and the second be right.  Correlations are done
from the first image to the second.  Output images (disparity and mask)
correspond to the first image, containing matching coordinates in the second
image.  However, for convenience, "left" and "right" are used throughout
this help.  Note that the input disparity map must use the same convention.

Additionally, out_quality can be used to name an output file which will
contain the correlation qualities for each pixel.


The program loops through every pixel in the image.  For each pixel, the
corresponding input disparity is obtained.  This input disparity may be
adjusted based on the input zoom factor (derived from DISP_PYRAMID).
This point is then used as a starting point to obtain a refined correlation.
If there is no input disparity for the pixel, no correlation is performed.
Previous versions truncated the input disparity to an integer; now sub-pixel
disparity information is retained.

If CHECK is non-zero, the point is then correlated a second time, this time
going right-to-left (right is the reference).  The result must be within
CHECK pixels of the original left point or the pixel is rejected.  (This
only happens if the quality is less than the CHECK_QUALITY threshhold).

Once that is complete, if GORES is turned on, then the program makes an
additional set of passes through the image.  In each pass, pixels for which
no disparity exists are examined.  For each such pixel, the 8 neighbors are
examined to find the one with the best correlation value so far.  This
neighbor is used as the initial guess for the pixel in question (modified
+/-1 as appropriate).  If no correlated neighbors are found, the pixel is
skipped.  This process allows holes caused by failure of the input (1-D)
correlator to be filled.  The program keeps making passes through the image
until GORE_PASSES is exhausted (and non-0), or no gores are filled in a pass.
The reverse check is again performed for each new pixel if CHECK is non-zero.

Note that the image may be pre-processed due to MULTIPASS (downsampled)
or FILTER (low-pass filtered) before the correlation takes place. Pre-
filtering the image tends to improve the results - See Quality of Result
Discussion section below.

Correlation Modes
All correlations are performed using the gruen correlation routine.  See
the gruen documentation for details of the algorithm.  The TEMPLATE parameter
specifies the size of the correlation window and SEARCH specifies the size
of the area in which to search for a match.

The MODE parameter is used to select the gruen mode:

linear_only:       gruen mode 0
annealing:         gruen mode 1
amoeba:            gruen mode 2
linear_amoeba:     gruen mode 3
annealing_amoeba:  gruen mode 4
amoeba2:           gruen mode 5
linear_amoeba2:    gruen mode 6
amoeba8:           gruen mode 7
amoeba4:           gruen mode 8
amoeba5:           gruen mode 9

The separate keyword LINEAR can be used to add linear pre-searching to
any of the above modes (it sends -(mode) to gruen()).  Linear searching is
done only once even if e.g. both -linear and -linear_amoeba are specified.

Of the above, the recommended modes are the five starting with "amoeba".
The others are provided only for experimentation, and may significantly
increase the execution time of the program.  The annealing modes are not
fully implemented in the code at this time, but it would be trivial to do
so if necessary.

The amoeba modes work with 2, 4, 5, 6, or 8 degrees of freedom (for historical
reasons, 6 is called simply "amoeba").  In general, the left template is
mapped to the right using the following equations:

x' = a*x + b*y + c + g*x*y
y' = d*x + e*y + f + h*x*y

This implements a generic perspective transform (it maps the square to any
quadrilateral).  Each of the amoeba modes works as described below.  For
parameters not adjustable in a given mode, they are fixed as follows:
a = 1, b = 0, c = 0, d = 0, e = 1, f = 0, g = 0, h = 0

amoeba2: Adjusts c and f only.  This allows for translation of the correlation
window only.  It is the fastest mode, but generally the least accurate.

amoeba4: Adjusts b, c, f, and g.  This allows for translation, shear, and
trapezoid in x, but only translation in y.  This models a pair of epipolar-
aligned stereo cameras looking out at a flat plane (such as from a rover).

amoeba5: Adjusts a, b, c, f, and g.  This allows for any transform in x
(translation, shear, trapezoid, and scale) but only translation in y.  This
models a pair of epipolar-aligned stereo cameras looking at a more general
scene (not constrained to a flat plane).  This is generally the best mode for
epipolar-aligned cameras.

amoeba:  Adjusts a, b, c, d, e, and f.  This implements a generic affine
transform with no trapezoidal parameters.  Translation, scale, shear, and
rotation are modeled.  This mode is historically the primary mode, but does
not model in-situ cameras very well.

amoeba8: Adjusts all parameters.  This implements a generic perspective
transform with translation, scale, shear, rotation, and trapezoid (or
perspective) transforms.  This is the most general mode, but may be
underconstrained for small window sizes.

The best mode to use is the one that best models the transform from the
left to right cameras, without providing too many degrees of freedom.
Sometimes, execution speed may drive one to a lower degree of freedom,
trading accuracy for speed.

Historically, amoeba has been initialized with an identity transform,
plus the disparity translation. This is the default. There are now three 
additional ways to initilialize the input transform: The average scale 
difference in the input disparity label, the ROTATION, XSCALE, and YSCALE 
parameters, and the IN_COEFS parameter.

Starting with M2020, input disparity obtained from marsecorr contains in the
labels the average scale difference between the L and R. If present in the
input disparity, the scale value will be read and will be used to set the 
initial transform. Note that the label contains only one value which constrain
the initial transform to have same X/Y scaling and no rotation. In practice,
that average scale value is the "default" values for X/YSCALE and ROTATION. 

The ROTATION, XSCALE, and YSCALE parameters allow the initial transform to
be set to a given rotation and scale.  This is useful if there is an overall
frame rotation between the images (such as a mast camera looking straight
down and being repointed, or an arm camara), or a scale difference (such as
when correlating different instruments).  This starting point makes amoeba's
job easier, since it doesn't have to determine the rotation and scale each
time (which often fails with marginal correlations, or it "looks" in the
wrong direction).  Thus the results are more stable, when the rotation or scale
difference is severe. These parameters, if set,  have precedence over the
average scale value retrieved from the labels.

The IN_COEFS parameter allows the user to directly specify the initial
transform on a per-pixel basis.  The input file should be a 6-band file the
same size as the input disparity file, containing the parameters a,b,d,e,g,h.
Note that the translation terms, c and f, are not included because they come
from the input disparity file. Note that this option will provide different 
transform for each pixel, whereas the other ones are global, i.e., one transform
for all pixels.  Also note that OUT_COEF can be used to save the final 
coefficients, in the same file format.

While searching for the best match, amoeba will change the parameters of the 
initial transform (which parameters are changed depends on which amoeba is 
selected by user) to test different transforms. The search space of these 
parameters can be with or without a limited range. Ideally we’d like to have no 
limit and let amoeba find out the best match. Although the no-limit does work 
for most cases (the easier ones like standard stereo), it does show limitation 
with more challenging cases. The user have control over the coefficients limits 
with a series of parameters described below; Similar to the coefficients, the 
coefficients limits can be global (same for all pixels) or local (unique to each
- No limit (default case)
- If using X/YSCALE and/or ROTATION, user can set limits on the corresponding 
transform coefficients with RANGE_SCALE and ROT_SCALE. 
The ROT_RANGE and SCALE_RANGE parameters, if set, establish limits on what
the rotation and scale are allowed to be.  This is accomplished by setting
limits on the transform coefficients based on the parameters, so it's not an
absolute limit on rotation or scale (certain transforms, generally pathological
cases, could have rotation or scale outside the range yet have coefficients
within the limits).  Limits are only applied if either are given; if only
one set is given, the other defaults (rotation +/- 5 degrees, scale 0.9-1.1).
Determining the rotation and scale is currently an exercise for the user.
It would be possible to determine these given the camera models; this is
done for rotation in marsautotie.  However, since marscor3 does not use
camera models, that is not done here.
- If using IN_COEFS, the limits can be set up to the min/max of each parameter 
in the input coefficients file. This is selected with IN_COEF_LIMIT.

Then two more parameters are available for further tuning:
- COEF_SCALE. Will enlarge or reduce the limits set by the above methods. 
COEF_SCALE is a percentage. Positive values will increase the limit, negative 
values will decrease the values. For instance, if COEF_SCALE=30, then the limit 
[min, max] of a coefficient will be increased to [min-0.3min, max+0.3max]. 
-LOCAL_LIMIT: Will activate local-only limits. All the above global methods 
won’t have an effect. For each pixel, the initial coefficients of the transform
are used to define the limit, using COEF_SCALE to scale the limit range. For 
instance, for initial parameter a (of a,b,d,e for affine transform), the limit 
will be set to [a-0.3a, a+0.3a] (if COEF_SCALE=30). Negative value of COEF_SCALE
have no effect if LOCAL_LIMIT is used. LOCAL_LIMIT requires the use of 

Note on combining IN_COEFS and (XSCALE, YSCALE and/or ROTATION)

Intuitively, the user would have to choose between initializing the transform
with IN_COEFS or (XSCALE, YSCALE and/or ROTATION). However, both can be 
supplied with different strategies for -gores and -multipass processing.

When IN_COEFS is supplied, the transform parameters initialization for the 
first correlation pass (i.e., first pyramid level, first correlation pass (pre
gores pass)) is based on the in_coefs file and on a per-pixel basis. This is 
true independantly of all other input parameters. If IN_COEFS is off and if 
XSCALE, YSCALE and/or ROTATION are supplied, the transform initialization is 
defined from these parameters.
If GORES is ON, the initialization of the gore pixel will be done depending on 
the input parameters: If FEEDBACK is on, the transform of the best neighbor is 
used to initialize the transform parameters of the current pixel. If FEEDBACK 
is OFF, then the gore pixel transform initiliazation is based on the transfom 
defined by (XSCALE, YSCALE, and/or ROTATION). If none of these parameters are 
supplied (and FEEDBACK is OFF) then a +- one pixel shift from the best neighbor 
is assumed.

The pixel initialization from a pyramid level to the next one follows the same
logic. If FEEDBACK is ON, the initialization is based on the transform 
parameters found on the previous pyramid level. If FEEDBACK is OFF, the 
transform parameters are initialized from the (XSCALE, YSCALE, and/or ROTATION)
if supplied.

Important Parameters
The template (correlation patch) and search area sizes may be rectangular
instead of square.  For landed images such as Mars Pathfinder or MER,
it may be advantageous to specify areas that are much wider than they are

The FTOL parameter deserves special discussion, as it plays a huge factor
in execution time.  FTOL is a parameter passed in to the amoeba function
minimization routine.  It represents the tolerance in the function being
minimized.  When the function (in this case, the inverse of correlation
quality) starts changing by amounts less than FTOL, the algorithm assumes
it has found a minimum and returns.

Thus the size of FTOL has a direct correlation with the accuracy of the
result.  Smaller values mean a more accurate result, with commensurately
longer runtimes.  However, FTOL is NOT the actual accuracy.  While there
is a correlation with accuracy, it is not a simple relationship.  Setting
it to, say, 0.01 most definitely does NOT imply a correlation accuracy of
0.01 pixels.  It represents how accurate the correlation quality is, not
the pixel locations.

Historically, FTOL has been fixed to 0.000001.  This led to very accurate
results, but horribly long runtimes.  Experimentation has shown that a
value around 0.001, or slightly higher, should be sufficient for most
purposes, but this should be re-verified for each new type of data.

Input disparities
The input disparities are typically generated by MARSJPLSTEREO, but might
also come from MARSUNLINEARIZE or MARSDISPINVERT.  They can be generated
using a "pyramid" value.  This value must be input to MARSCOR3 via the
DISP_PYRAMID parameter.

The pyramid value represents a zoom down of the image, by a factor of
2^pyramid.  So a pyramid of 0 implies full scale, 1 means half-scale,
2 represents a quarter-scale image, etc.  The values IN the file are
similarly zoomed down - they map from e.g. a quarter-scale image to
a quarter-scale image.

Furthermore, the pixel in the file actually represents the upper-left
pixel in the zoom box.  For a pyramid of 3 (zoom of 8), the upper left
pixel of each 8x8 box is the one mapped in the file.

As with output files, the input disparity may be a single 2-band file, or
two separate single-band files.  The first contains line disparities, and
the second contains sample disparities.

If the pyramid value is more than 1, then it is quite likely that the
initial point obtained from the input disparity is off by more than amoeba
can handle, giving very "patchy" results.  The amoeba algorithm really
needs to start within a pixel or so for reliable results.

To handle this case, MULTIPASS may be specified.  If MULTIPASS is turned on
and DISP_PYRAMID is greater than 1, then the entire correlation process is
repeated multiple times.  At each iteration, the input image is downsampled
so it is twice the size of the input correlation map, for an effective
pyramid level of 1.  The result then becomes the input disparity map for
the next iteration.

So, for example, with MULTIPASS and DISP_PYRAMID=3, then input disparity
map is 1/8 the size of the input.  The first correlation is performed with
a 1/4 scale image pair (the full correlation, including gore passes).
The resulting 1/4 scale disparity is then correlated with a 1/2 scale image,
then the result of that is correlated with the full scale image to produce
the final result.

The STOP_PYRAMID parameter can be used in conjunction with DISP_PYRAMID and
MULTIPASS to stop the pyramid process prematurely.  Normally STOP_PYRAMID
is 0, meaning go all the way to full-res.  But if STOP_PYRAMID is non-0,
the process stops there.  A value of 1 would produce a half-scale output,
2 would produce quarter-scale, etc.  At least one pass is done regardless
of STOP_PYRAMID.  Note that the output can be fed back into another run of
marscor3 by adjusting DISP_PYRAMID to the prior STOP_PYRAMID value.  This
would allow, for example, use of different correlation parameters at
different pyramid levels.

If FEEDBACK_COEFS is on, the perspective transform coefficients are
"remembered" from one pyramid pass to the next.  So for the next stage
of the pyramid, the starting point uses the coefficients derived from the
previous stage.  This helps retain the "shape" of the correlation window
mapping across pyramid levels.
Also, if FEEDBACK_COEFS is on, the perspective transform coefficients of the
best neighbor during -gore process are used to provide an estimate of the
current pixel.

Output file contents
All output files are in the coordinates of the first (left eye) image.
For example if the sample disparity file has a value of 56.67 at sample 50
it means that the sample location of a tiepoint located at sample 50 in the
left eye image corresponds to sample 56.67 in the right eye image.   

The line and sample disparities can be in two separate files.  However,
normally (if only one filename is provided), both are written to a single,
2-banded file, with line in the first band and sample in the second.

First output (or band): A REAL image containing the line disparity.  The
line/sample coordinate of each pixel in the output defines the position
in the left eye.  The value of the pixel contains the line coordinate of
the corresponding pixel in the right eye image.

Second output (or band): A REAL image containing the sample disparity.  The
line/sample coordinate of each pixel in the output defines the position
in the left eye.  The value of the pixel contains the sample coordinate of
the corresponding pixel in the right eye image.

If both line & sample disparity values are 0.000 the point has no value
(meaning correlation failed for that point).

Note that all disparity values use 1-based coordinates for the right
image, per VICAR conventions.

Mask file (optional): A BYTE image showing the coverage of tiepoints.
 0 dn means the pixel could not be reached in order to be correlated
   (i.e. there were no neighbors to supply an initial value, or TPTLIMIT
   was reached).
 128 dn means a correlation was successfully performed at this location.
 255 dn means a correlation was attempted at this location but it failed,
   usually because of low correlation quality.

Output quality file (optional): A REAL image containing the correlation
quality of each pixel attempted, from 0 to 1.  0 indicates either a
correlation failure unrelated to the QUALITY setting, or a pixel that was
not attempted due to lack of input disparity.

Output coefficients file (optional): A 6-band REAL image containing the
rest of the perspective transform (except the translation terms).  See

Quality of Results Discussion
A close look at the results shows a certain "bias" in the disparities
away from integer values.  This is most easily seen by running F2 to
subtract off the line or sample to get a "raw" disparity:

$R2LIB/f2 disp.img disp_line.img func='"(*(in1-line)"' nb=1 sb=1
$R2LIB/f2 disp.img disp_samp.img func='"(*(in1-samp)"' nb=1 sb=2

Then run a histogram on the results.  The histogram will tend to peak on
half-integer values, with valleys on the integers.  This is most obvious
when the degrees of freedom are restricted, say using -amoeba2.

Extensive analysis leads us to believe that this result is caused by
the bilinear interpolation that is performed in the heart of gruen()
(to warp the right image to match the left template).  The interpolation
process tends to "smooth out" high-frequency random noise that is typically
in the input images.  Because the noise does not match between the right
and left images, the "best" fit tends to be where the noise is least.
Bilinear interpolation has the effect of smoothing out noise when the
interpolation is the highest - in between pixels or offsets of 0.5.  At
integral pixel locations, it passes the original data through unchanged,
causing no interpolation smoothing.

Thus the least-squares fit in the correlator is "pulled" slightly away
from the integer values, toward the half-integer.  This has been somewhat
verified by correlating the same image against itself, introducing random
noise into the "right" side.  As more noise is added, the histogram pulls
away from the integers.

This effect can be mitigated in two ways, in the current version:

1) Use more degrees of freedom.  The effect is most pronounced with only 2
degrees of freedom.  It is greatly reduced with 4, 5, 6, or 8.  The higher
degrees of freedom cause more interpolation to be done (as the transform
does more extensive warping).  Of course, the more degrees of freedom, the
slower the algorithm.

2) Use the -filter option to prefilter the images using a low-pass filter.
This reduces the high-frequency noise and reduces the effect (but does not
eliminate it, at least not in all cases).  Doing the filter should have
minimal impact on the precision of the results, while improving accuracy
due to the lower noise.

An avenue for future exploration would be to try a method other than bilinear
to do the interpolation, to see if that avoids the integer anti-bias effect.
That would slow down the program tremendously, however.

Update notes: Indeed, this half-integer bias is a known effect of bilinear
interpolator smoothing effect. The problem is not the smoothing effect of the
bilinear interpolator per se, but the fact that the smoothing intensity depends 
on the shift (strongest at half pixel). One approach is to smooth (lowpass) the 
right image before correlation, such that when the right image is interpolated
at various shifts during the correlation, the bilinear smoothing effect is 
limited. This can be done using FILTER. The intensity of the lowpass filtering 
to apply is something to be adjusted. The more filtering, the less bias, but at 
the same time more high frequency content is removed which is necessary for 
good matching. A possible improvement is to use edge-preserving lowpass filters 
such as the bilateral filter and TV-based filters. High frequency structures in
the image would be preserved while reducing the noise.  
Two low-pass filters are currently available: boxcar and gaussian. The boxcar 
filter returns the pixel intensity resulting from the convolution of the image 
with a NxN pixels rectangular kernel. Gaussian filter returns the pixel 
intensity resulting from the convolution of the image with a gaussian-shaped 
kernel of standard deviation sigma pixels.
The gaussian filter is a better choice as it filters out better high frequencies
(no secondary lobes) and is the recommended filter. Historically, in marscor3, 
the boxcar filter has been implemented and used before the gaussian filter. It 
is left available for convenience and compatibiliy.
Default values for the boxcar filter is 3x3. Using the gaussian filter, similar 
filtering intensity is obtained with a sigma of about 0.9.

In addition to the prefiltering (denoising) of the images with a boxcar or 
gaussian filter, it is possible to automatically scale the filtering to account
for a scale ratio between the images. As the scale ratio between L and R can be
different (geometric and/or tiling), one of the image will need to be lowpassed
according to this ratio in order to be compared to the other one. Usually, this
scaling was left to the user to set using a different FILTER_SIZE for the L and
R. The theory states that before resampling an image, it must be low-passed 
according to the resampling grid to avoid introduction of aliasing in the 
resampled image. Ideally, this lowpass filtering should be done for every 
transform tried by amoeba algorithm. This is in practice not doable because of 
the shear processing time that would involve. However, an intermediate solution
is to low pass the entire image according to the average scaling between the 
two. In doing such, amoeba transforms, which will hover around that average 
scale factor, will use an image that is approximatelly well filtered. This is 
automatically achieved if SCALING and FILTER (or GAUSSFILTER) are on. If 
activated, the L and R images are prefiletered according to the  average scaling 
factor (infered either from the input disparity labels, or input parameters 
(X/YSCALE and ROTATION), or input coefficients, and tiling factors).

Parallel Processing
This program has been parallelized using Open MP (OMP), which is built in
to the g++ compiler.

By default the number of threads used equals the number of cores on the machine
where the program is being run.  Each image line is assigned to a different
core, with "dynamic" scheduling to keep the workload for eeach core similar.

Parallel processing can be disabled via the -OMP_OFF keyword.  The number
of threads can be controlled by setting the OMP_NUM_THREADS environment
variable before running the program.  There are numerous other OMP variables
that can be set; see the OMP documentation.  However, the number of threads
is the only one that is likely to be useful in most cases.

Note that parallel processing necessitated a change in the gore filling
algorithm, but the results should be identical.

Scaling, tiling and decimation for processing performances

The TEMPLATE parameter sets the size of left image (the reference image) 
patch. If the left and right images are approximately of the same resolution, 
the size of the patch retrieved from the right image will be approximately 
identical to the left patch (not accounting for the search area here).
If however the left image is low resolution compared to the right image, the 
size of the right patch retrieved from the image will be larger than the left 
patch (need a larger patch to cover a similar "area" imaged by the low 
resolution left patch). Note that the correlation will still be run on identical
patch size, i.e., of left patch size (given by TEMPLATE), but the affine 
transformation will automatically decimate the right image. For instance, if 
left patch is 5x5 and difference of resolution between left and right is 2 
(left has 2 times less resolution than right image), then a ~10x10 patch from 
the right image will be retrieved and the affine transformation will point to 
every other pixel to obtain a 5x5 patch from right image. If the left image is 
high resolution compared to the right image, the behavior is the same, and the 
size of the patch retrieved from the right image is according to the difference
of resolution. For instance if the left image has twice more resolution than the 
right image, a 5x5 template (left) patch will correspond to a ~3x3 (2.5x2.5 
really, but increased to next integer) right patch. One can see that large 
difference of resolution can be problematic as with increasing difference in 
resolution, we get a smaller and smaller right patch, which means that 
correlation will be done with fewer and fewer "real" pixels from the right 
image. To alleviate the problem, the old solution was to increase the left 
window size (template parameter) such that the resulting right size patch was 
about the size we initially wanted for the template. In the previous example 
that would correspond in setting the template to a 10x10 size. This is taken 
care of with the SCALING parameter now, where the patches are automatically 
increased such that the patches contains TEMPLATE "real" pixels.

Starting with M2020 (Perseverance), we differentiate between two types of
"resolution difference":
- The "geometric" resolution difference.
This is the standard type. There are various reasons why the "geometric" 
resolution could be different between two images. Obviously, one reason is 
because of the camera specs (e.g., Mastcam), but it can also be because of the
relative position between the poses (e.g., one image acquired close range while
the other acquired from afar). Starting with M2020, there is also the 
possibility of a downsampled left and/or right images (see section on 
"Correlation of tiled image"). If the left and right are upsampled back at  
different resolutions, then they'll have a different "geometric" resolutions 
despite having the same nominal resolution initially.
- The "tiling" resolution difference.
This is specific to M2020 engineering cameras and is related to the onboard 
downsampling and ground upsampling alluded above (see section on 
"Correlation of tiled image"). Given the possible various levels of onboard
downsampling applied to different parts of each image, the reconstruced images
could have the same sampling (i.e., same size) but the content could be of
different resolution. 
An example of "tiling" resolution difference would be a pair of navcam images
with the left image downloaded at full resolution, while the right image was
downsampled by a factor of 4 onboard and then upsampled back at full resolution
on ground. In the correlation context, a 5x5 patch in the left image will 
correspond to a 5x5 patch in the right image, but the left patch would contain
25 "real" pixels while the right patch much less (most of them being just 
replicated during the upsampling).

The "SCALING" parameter, if activated, scales the patches for any geometric
resolution difference, such that at least TEMPLATE "real" pixels in both left
and right patches are correlated.
If "TILING" parameter is activated, the tiling resolution difference is also
accounted for during the scaling of the patches.

The main problem in increasing the patches because of geometric and/or tiling
resolution difference is an increase of processing time. To limit the processing
time, but to still account for the scaling, the enlarged patches can be 
decimated back to TEMPLATE size. This decimation is controlled via DECIMATION 
parameter. Going back to the example above considering a high resolution left
image (geometric difference of 2) compared to the right image, a TEMPLATE 5x5
would require a scaling of left patch to 10x10 to insure that, among the 10x10
right patch, there are at least 5x5 (25) real pixels (the other ones being just
interpolated). In that case, 10x10 patches would be correlated. If DECIMATION is
ON, then the 10x10 patches are decimated every other pixel, back to 5x5 pixels 
patches, and the correlation would be run on 5x5 patches instead of 10x10. Note
that prior to decimation, the patches are lowpass filtered to avoid aliasing 
during the decimation.


- CHECK cannot be run with SCALING 

- The geometric resolution difference is defined from the afffine transform 
parameters a,b,d,and e parameters. The g and h parameters are not checked.
In theory they should be accounted for, but this is more complex as they 
introduce an irregular sampling (linearly varying) inside the patch. It is 
likely that their values are small enough to be neglected. This could be 
investigated further. 

Correlation of *tiled* images
A tiled image is an image whose frequency content - may be not constant 
throughout the image or not corresponding to the pixel sampling resolution.
This type of image arose with M2020 engineering cameras for bandwidth/memory 
consideration. These images are sliced on-board in several chuncks and each part
may be downsampled via a box filter by a factor of 0 (no downsampling), 2, 4, 
or 8. Note that the downsampling level of each part may be different. The choice
of which parts gets downsampled and by which amount is decided by ops. Once 
downlinked, the image parts are upsampled back to original sampling (or not) and
stitched back together to form the reconstructed image. 
Although the final image may have the same size as the original image, its 
content has been irremediably altered (~lowpass filtered) over the parts that 
have been downsampled-then-upsampled. The reconstructed image may also have
different part with different level of lowpass.
The TILING parameters allows to account for this type of image to insure that
proper care is taken prior to correlation. When correlating tiled images, we 
need to make sure that:
1 - Correlated patches from left and right images have the same level of 
    content, that is they have *virtually* sustained the same amount of 
    downsampling-then-upsampling. This is necessary to avoid that the high 
    frequencies in one patch, and which have been filtered out in the other 
    patch, pollute the correlation. These frequencies will be seen as "noise"
    by the correlator as they can't be matched in the other patch. It's an apple
    to apple comparison situation.
2 - The amount of *real* information contained in each correlation patches 
    (left and right) is the same for all correlated points. A user who set a 
    template size of 5x5 "expects" the correlation to be based on 25 *real* 
    measurements. If the images were downsampled-then-upsampled, a 5x5 patch 
    does not contain 25 *real* measurements but less. The actual number of real
    measurement depends on the downsampling factor (4 times less for each 
    downsampling level).

It is expected that left and right images contain tiling information in the 
labels that allows to infer the tiling index for each pixel.

If TILING is ON and the images are not tiled images, the TILING option is 
turned OFF and the correlation is carried out in normal mode. An information
message is displayed in that case.


  1995-12-01 J Lorre - Initial MPFTPT program
  1999-07    Bob Deen - Signficant internal restructuring and addition of features.
             Program renamed to marscorr.
  2003-07    rgd - Creation of marscor3 from marscorr.
  2003-10    rgd - Addition of -MULTIPASS, -FILTER, -CHECK, and several other new
  2016-05    rgd - Parallelization of code
  2017-05    ayoubfra - Addition of -DECILEFT and -GLOBAL_DECI
  2017-10    ayoubfra - Addition of Gaussian lowpass filter, and strategy using both
  2018-10    Implemention of BAND parameter
  2019-10-02 Walt Bunch - IDS-7926 - Initialized some variables.
             Commented unused variables. Added test script and log.
  2020-02    ayoubfra - Addition of -TILING
  2020-03    ayoubfra - Addition of -SCALING and -DECIMATION




input images. first: left eye second: right eye


Output disparity file(s)


Input disparity file(s)


Output mask file (optional)


Output quality image (optional)


Input coefficients file (optional)


Output coefficients file (optional)


The vicar image band number. Defaults to 1


correlation size


correlation search area


Minimum acceptable correlation quality Square of correlation coefficient.


Limit number of tiepoints to TPTLIMIT


Whether or not to fill in gores


Minimum correlation quality for gore passes


Max gore passes (or 0 for unlimited)


Whether or not to add reverse gore passes


Pyramid level of input disparities


Pyramid level at which to stop


Correlation mode. Use one of the amoeba* modes


use bicubic interpolator in gruen algorithm


Adds linear search to any MODE.


Accuracy tolerance for correlation quality


Turns on reverse correlation checking; also acceptable radius.


Threshhold below which reverse checking is done.


Turns on multiple passes for pyramids > 1


Turns on pre-correlation low-pass filter


Size of low-pass filter window. If two values, size of filter for left and right sides


Where the primary input labels come from.


Overall frame rotation.


Overall scale difference, in the X direction.


Overall scale difference, in the Y direction.


Turns on coefficient feedback between pyramid levels.


Establishes rotation limits for the transform.


Establishes scale limits for the transform.


Establishes coef limit based on IN_COEFS


Turns on or off parallel processing (default: on)


Specifies the full name given to a data set or a data product.


Specifies a unique alphanumeric identifier for a data set or data product.


Specifies the unique identifier associated with the release to the public of all or part of a data set. The release number is associated with the data set, not the mission.


Specifies a permanent, unique identifier assigned to a data product by its producer.


Specifies the unique identifier of an entity associated with the production a data set.


Specifies the full name of the identity of an entity associated with the production of a data set.


Specifies a target.


Specifies the type of a named target.


Activate scaling of TEMPLATE and/or SEARCH


Threshold at which scaling is activated


Activate decimation of scaled left/ right correlated patches


Convenience function for backward compatibility of old DECILEFT param


Maximum scale difference between the Left and Right images


Scalar applied to the transform limits


Set if transform limits are to be defined from the coefficient for each pixel


Activate adaptive filtering and correlation window sizing of tiled images.


Activate post-process outlier filteting


Number of pixel to extend the filter neighborood window


Scaler for similarity threshold


percentage of similar pixel in neighborood to validate pixel

See Examples:

Cognizant Programmer: