MARSIROUGH computes a measure indicating the roughness of the surface for
each pixel, for the purposes of instrument placement.  The roughness
of the body (footplane) and feet (footpatch) are computed, using slightly
different algorithms.  The program accounts for clock angle rotation and

The inputs for MARSIROUGH are an XYZ image such as that created by the MARSXYZ
program, and a UIX and ZIX image (instrument surface normal and Z location)
as created by MARSITILT.

The output of MARSIROUGH is a single 3-band file of type REAL, containing
flags indicating whether the data met roughness criteria, as well as the
actual body and feet roughness values (see below for details).


marsirough out=data.rus uix=data.uis zix=data.zis -seis
marsirough out=data.ruw uix=data.uiw zix=data.ziw -wts
marsirough out=data.ruh uix=data.uih zix=data.zih -hp3


At each pixel in the output file, MARSIROUGH uses the UIX and ZIX files
to "place" the instrument at that point.  The point represents the grapple
of the instrument (or center for instruments with no grapples, such as the M20
helicopter), so the XY position of the point is what would be communicated
to the operations team to actually place the instrument there on the surface.
The XY position is derived from the XYZ input file for the given pixel.  If
there is no XYZ position for the pixel, the pixel is skipped.

Once the instrument is "placed", which means defining a plane for the feet
and body, the terrain under that plane is then analyzed, using one of two
roughness algorithms (see below).  The results are reported in the output
file, along with a "status" band which indicates whether the point meets
the roughness thresholds or not.

Note that the program works internally in the Site frame. It will convert the 
given XYZ to this frame automatically. While other frames could be used (e.g.
-rover for Lander frame), the roughness would then be measured relative to the 
lander, which is generally not what it desired.

Instrument Feet and Body
The size and spacing of the feet and body for each instrument is given in the
marsi_instruments class that is compiled into the program.  This should
be read from a config file, but time constraints may prevent this from

The program represents the feet as a set of circles - 3 each for SEIS and WTS,
4 for M20 helicopter, and 5 for HP3 (four feet plus the drill location, or
"molepatch").  The size of these circles matches the size of the feet as they
interact with the ground.  Although one should consult the class for specific
values, at the time this help was written, the circle radii are 3cm for SEIS,
4.2665cm for WTS, and 5cm for HP3.

Note that the size of the M20 Helicopter foot is expanded to cover the
possible leg splay.  It is this wider than it should be.  This however causes
no issues as the helicopter use case is to always clock the entire circle, so
the width of the foot really doesn't matter.

The program also represents the instrument bodies as circles.  This is natural
for the SEIS and WTS, but the HP3 is actually a long thin rectangle.  This is
accommodated by using a set of (currently, but check the class) 41
circles that approximate a rectangle.  The helicopter body is a square, but is
modeled as a circle since we look at all clock angles anyway.

If -NO_FEET is given, then footpatch roughness is not computed, only the
body is.  This is recommended for the M20 helicopter

Tether Effects
The feet are initially set assuming the tether points directly down the
-X axis.  However, the actual instruments while being deployed will tend to
rotate so the tether points back toward the spacecraft.  This is accounted
for by rotating the instrument (i.e. feet position) based on the tether pivot

For SEIS, the tether emanates from a single tether box position.  This
position is hardcoded at x=0.145, y=-0.101 in the lander frame.  The tether
points radially from this point to the instrument deployment location, and
the SEIS feet are rotated to match.

For HP3, the algorithm is more complicated, because the tether can be routed
different ways based on where the instrument is being deployed.  The algorithm
comes from Won Kin in Section 347:

  HP3 has two "virtual" tether anchor points.
   - HP3 tether guard post1 --- P1 = (X1, Y1) = (0.083, -0.435)
   - HP3 mount --- P2 = (X2, Y2) = (-1.279, 0.149)
   - Line equation between two anchor points:
     y = ((Y2-Y1)/(X2-X1)) * (x - X1) + Y1 = mx + b
   - Given the current tether position (X0, Y0):
     - If Y0 > m * X0 + b, use HP3 tether guard post1 P1 as the "virtual" anchor
     - Otherwise, use HP3 mount P2 as the "virtual" anchor point.
 You can determine the tether direction by assuming that the tether passes
 through the "virtual" anchor point.

For WTS, there is no tether.  However, the arm moves slowly enough that the
WTS is likely to rotate with the arm, meaning that there is a most-likely
rotation value that acts as if there was a tether.

Additionally, there are radial and cross-radial offsets between the WTS and
SEIS, because the grapples are not coaxial in the nominal placement.  The WTS
position is thus offset by an amount determined in the WTS_OFF parameter. These
offsets are applied before any rotation is done (so cross-radial offset should 
generally be 0). All WTS rotations (such as for clocking) are done centered
around the nominal(SEIS) location.  This means that WTS clocking rotation
(see below) also introduces a small translation in the WTS.

The M20 helicopter obviously has no tether.

Instrument Clocking
Although the tether controls the rotation of the instrument while hanging on
the arm to some extent, the instrument can still rotate within a certain range.
This rotation is called "clocking".

Zero clocking is defined as the rotation resulting from the tether calculation.

The program analyzes the roughness throughout this range of clocking angles.
Because it is computationally intractable to compute every possible angle,
we settle for checking a discrete set of clock angles.  The set of angles
checked are controlled by the CLOCK_RANGE and CLOCK_STEP parameters.  Generally
these should be set to be centered around 0 clock angle (and to include 0
clock angle), but this is not mandatory.

The single instrument normal and Z value from the center of the clock range
are used for all of the clock angles.  While the normal and Z can vary based
on clocking, it's not feasible to save the tilt for every clock angle.  The
difference should be negligible in most cases for any terrain upon which we
might want to actually consider deploying the instrument.

Note that the SEIS, WTS and HELI bodies are simple circles and are rotationally
symmetric. The WTS is assumed to rotate around the position before taking 
into account the radial and cross-radial offsets introduced in WTS_OFF 
parameter, which again makes it rotationally symmetric.

For the HP3 body, the density of circles representing the body is such that
only a few clock angles need to be checked in most cases.  The default is to
check just three - both limits of clock_range, and the center.  This is
sufficient for the standard +/- 15 degree clock range.  If you need more
steps, the HP3_BODY_STEP parameter can be used to control the step size.

Settling of Feet
The Z location of the instrument can be affected by the feet "settling"
into the surface (especially with a sandy surface).  The instrument Z (ZIX)
file coming from MARSITILT explicitly does not include any settling in its
value.  If you want to model settling, the SINKAGE parameter will specify
the amount to settle.

Settling affects only the body (footplane), not the feet algorithm.  It has
the effect of simply adding the amount of settling to the final roughness
value for the body.

Roughness Computation
Roughness is computed by analyzing each of the circles (feet, or body parts)
separately.  First, the center of the circle (an XY coordinate) is found in
the image using a K-D tree (see Implementation Notes, below).  Then a region
is grown around that point in image space, looking for points that are inside
the circle.  The points are analyzed to get the standard deviation of the
points (from the mean for the standard algorithm, or from the Z value for the
hill algorithm).  Outliers are then removed, defined as points that are
more than FILTER_SCALE * sigma away from the mean or Z.

The roughness is then computed using the surviving points, and one of the
two algorithms below.

The largest roughness value from any of the circles is reported as the final
value.  If any of the circles happen to hit a hole in the XYZ data, then the
entire roughness calculation fails.

Standard Roughness (Feet)
The feet use an algorithm that is very similar to MARSROUGH or MSLROUGH.
The roughness is simply the maximum extent of any points (after outlier
rejection) above or below the instrument plane.  In other words, the maximum
value above the plane, minus the minimum value below the plane.

This means that roughness considers both hills and valleys, which is
appropriate when considering foot placement (the foot can sit on top of a
hill, but you also don't want it spanning too large a valley, since the foot
could slip into it).

Note that the instrument Z value (ZIX parameter) is not relevant for standard
roughness; the max - min is the same regardless of where the plane is in the
Z direction.

-NO_FEET will turn off feet roughness computation (recommended for the
M20 helicopter).

Hill Roughness (Body)
For the instrument body, we are concerned about clearance for the belly of
the instrument.  Thus valleys are not relevant, as the instrument can clear
them, but hills can be hazardous.  Therefore for the "hill" algorithm, we
look only at excursions above the plane defined by the instrument feet.  The
roughness is defined as the maximum distance (after outlier removal) of any
point above this plane.

The Z value is thus critical for this calculation, as it defines where 0 is.
The SINKAGE parameter also comes into play here, as sinkage will depress all
of the feet and thus lower the plane.  In principle the feet can sink
unequally, but the worst-case scenario is if they all sink the same (this
maximizes the hill roughness), so that is all we consider.  Providing SINKAGE
is essentially equivalent to just adding a constant to all the hill roughness

Note that all other things being equal and with Z at the mean value, hill
roughness will be half as big as standard roughness, since only positive
excursions are considered rather than both positive and negative.

Output File Format and State Band
The output file consists of 3 bands in floating-point format:

Band 1: State band (contains goodness flag)
Band 2: Body (footplane) roughness
Band 3: Feet (footpatch) roughness

The roughness values are measured in meters.

The State band can contain the following values:

0 = no value
1 = Exceeds more than one criteria
2 = Exceeds footplane (body) limit only
3 = Exceeds footpatch (feet) limit only
4 = n/a
5 = Within all limits (good)

As with all the InSight placement products, 5 indicates everything is within
limits, with other values indicating what parameter is out of limits.

If -NO_FEET is given, band 3 will be all 0 but will be ignored in the
state band (thus possible values are only 0, 2, or 5).

Parallel Processing
This program requires a lot of computational resources.  The number of
combinations of clock angles that must be checked can get quite large.
For this reason, the program has been parallelized using Open MP (OMP),
which is built in to the g++ compiler.

By default the number of threads used equals the number of cores on the machine
where the program is being run.  Each image line is assigned to a different
core, with "dynamic" scheduling to keep the workload for each core similar.

Parallel processing can be disabled via the -OMP_OFF keyword.  The number
of threads can be controlled by setting the OMP_NUM_THREADS environment
variable before running the program.  There are numerous other OMP variables
that can be set; see the OMP documentation.  However, the number of threads
is the only one that is likely to be useful in most cases.

Implementation Notes
The instrument shapes should be in a data file but for now are compiled in
to the program, via marsi_instruments(_h).com.

Clocking is simulated by stepping to different clock values and checking each.
There is a tradeoff between fidelity and execution time.  The smaller the clock
steps, the more accurate the result but the slower it runs (dramatically so).

Once an instrument foot or body circle center point is determined, we must
find the pixel that is closest to that point as a starting point.  This is
implemented by using a K-D tree as implemented in the "nanoflann" package.
The POINT_EPSILON parameter determines how far away this point can be from
the ideal point (default .004m), and the LEAF_MAX_SIZE determines how big the
leaves of the tree can be before splitting them.

From there, a region growing algorithm is used to determine all the XYZ points
that belong to the circle.  The region spirals out one pixel at a time until a
complete box (one pixel wide) is found with no hits within the confines of the
circle.  This region growing is bounded by the MAX_WINDOW parameter; once
the box half-width exceeds the MAX_WINDOW, the growing stops.  This is for
efficiency (to prevent spiraling out to the entire image in pathological
cases), but in practice the window should be set so the entire circle is
within it.

NOTE:  Holes or gaps in the XYZ image are generally ignored.  The central
position of each circle has to match the given XYZ coordinate (within
POINT_EPSILON), so holes in the middle of a circle, if big enough, could cause
the location to be rejected.  But no analysis is done of other holes in
the area the circle "should" cover.  Holes represent unknowns, so normally the
presence of holes would be a red flag for placement.  However, the circles are
generally small enough that significant unknown terrain within one circle
is unlikely, except for the WTS.  Also, we look for the maximum (and minimum
in the standard algorithm) extents within the circle, so holes would have
to also be the highest (or lowest) terrain around to cause a problem.  However,
it does open the possibility of single pixels representing an entire circle.

TBD Items
TBD!!!!:  Improve handling of holes by computing how many pixels the circle
should cover at the given distance and have a percentage threshold to indicate
the maximum number of holes (i.e. minimum coverage of pixels) to allow for a
given location.  Perhaps also a threshold for the absolute minimum number of
pixels in a circle.  Throw out locations that do not meet this criteria.  This
is complicated by the potential lack of a camera model (if an ortho XYZ is
input, which is a common use case) - a test would have to be made whether
a camera model was available, and assume a constant iFOV if not.

TBD!!!!:  Output labels are not being set correctly.

Note: This program started out as NSYTROUGH, an InSight-specific program.
It was multimissionized and renamed MARSIROUGH.  All of the InSight
functionality is in this program; i.e. NSYTROUGH could be obsoleted.

2015-06     S.Myint	Initial version, based on mslrough
2015-01     rgd		Nearly complete rewrite, implemented hill algorithm,
			clocking, use of instrument normal and Z values,
			fixed many other issues, wrote help.
2018-01    Steven Lu    Implement radial and cross-radial offsets for WTS.
2020-07	    rgd		Multimissionized, added M20 helicopter support




Input XYZ image. Must be 1 3-band file or (x,y,z) triplet.


Output file. Must be 1 filename.


Input instrument normal image from MARSITTILT. Must be 1 3-band file or (u,v,w) triplet.


Instrument Z value from MARSITILT.


Corrected navigation filename.


Instrument to use.


How much feet can sink.


Threshold for SEIS body roughness.


Threshold for SEIS feet roughness.


Threshold for WTS body roughness.


Threshold for WTS feet roughness.


Threshold for HP3 body roughness.


Threshold for HP3 feet roughness.


Turns off foot patch processing.


Range for clocking.


Step size for clocking.


Clocking step size override for HP3 body.


Radial and cross-radial offsets between SEIS and WTS


Window size for circle search.


Value to use for bad roughness.


Sigma multiplier for outlier rejection filter.


Minimum number of points in a circle for it to be valid.


Center of bounding box (m).


Center of bounding box (m).


Coord system for X/Y_CENTER.


Half-width of bounding box (in meters).


Control for KD tree.


Control for KD tree search.


Turns on or off parallel processing (defualt: on).


Path used to find configuration/calibration files.


Specifies a mission- specific pointing method to use


Disables coordinate system sites.


Rover State File(s) to use.


Turns on debugging of RSF parameter.


Coordinate system to use.


Coordinate system index for some COORD/mission combos.


Which site is FIXED for rover missions.


Solution ID to use for COORD_INDEX


Specifies the full name given to a data set or a data product.


Specifies a unique alphanumeric identifier for a data set or data product.


Specifies the unique identifier associated with the release to the public of all or part of a data set. The release number is associated with the data set, not the mission.


Specifies a permanent, unique identifier assigned to a data product by its producer.


Specifies the unique identifier of an entity associated with the production a data set.


Specifies the full name of the identity of an entity associated with the production of a data set.


Specifies a target.


Specifies the type of a named target.

See Examples:

Cognizant Programmer: