Help for MARSNAV

To correct the navigation (pointing, e.g. azimuth and elevation) of a set of
overlapping images.  The corrected navigation will be placed into the output
file as a table.  The output images can then be mosaicked using marsmos,
marsmap, or similar programs by providing these programs the navigation table.
MARSTIE must be run first to gather tiepoints.  The starting navigation may
optionally be read from an input nav file as well (via the NAVTABLE parameter).

This is a multimission program derived from Mars Pathfinder's mpfnav.
The functionality of mpfnav was split into two parts.  MARSTIE gathers
the tiepoints, and MARSNAV uses those tiepoints to generate a pointing

MARSNAV supports any mission, instrument, and camera model supported by the
Planetary Image Geometry (Pig) software suite.

Best results are obtained if the images are all taken from the same camera
at approximately the same position.

MARSNAV can now adjust surface models and rover position and orientation,
as well as instrument pointings.  See DO_SURFACE, DO_POINTING, DO_LOCATION,
and DO_ORIENTATION keywords.

There are two ways to present input images:

marsnav inp=(a.img,b.img,c.img,...) out=navtable.nav in_tpt=images.tpt
marsnav inp=ascii_listoffiles out=navtable.nav in_tpt=images.tpt

where ascii_listoffiles is a text file created by Sybase or an editor,
containing the list of filenames to include in the mosaic, one per record.
Up to 200 input images can be listed.

An input tiepoint list must be provided.

Then use one of the mosaic programs:

marsmos inp=left_listoffiles out=left_mosaic.img navtable=navtable.nav
marsmos inp=right_listoffiles out=right_mosaic.img navtable=navtable.nav

Note that for stereo cameras such as Mars Pathfinder IMP and Mars 98 SSI,
the same navigation solution can be used for both eyes.  Since the eyes
are fixed to one another, stereo images taken at the same time should have
the same navigation corrections.

Note: there are two tiepoint file formats; "old" is the text-based list,
while "xml" is an XML-based format.  The format is auto-detected on read.
Over time "old" should be phased out.  Under some circumstances (such as
when tiepoints are being removed), marsnav can write an output tiepoint
file (see OUT_TPT).  This is always in the new XML format.  This can be
converted back to the old format if necessary using marstie.

It is important that all images be connected to each other via tiepoints.
If an image or block of images is not connected, the entire block can "drift"
as a unit out of alignment.  Single images are adjusted by a "mean shift"
amount derived from the average of all the other adjustments, in order to
keep them from drifting too much.

TBD:  The "mean shift" code is not yet implemented!
TBD:  Improve the check so blocks are detected as well, and do something
reasonable with them.

The simplex method of finding pointing solutions can often benefit by being
rerun multiple times, starting from where it left off the last time, as
opposed to resetting the solution to the initial conditions.  The program
allows this in both batch and interactive modes.  Experience has shown that
as many as half a dozen reruns can still show improvement in the solution.


1) The simplex method is used to find that set of pointing parameters
(often azimuth & elevation but may include other things like X/Y/Z position
for rovers or joint angles for arm cameras), which give a camera model that
minimizes the difference between the predicted and the actual correlated
tiepoints.  Note that there is NO image correlation involved in this step;
that is used only for tiepoint selection.

TBD:  Need to put error bars in the pointing parameters so we have some idea
how far to go.

2) If the residual for the worst tiepoint is > the ERROR keyword then the
tiepoint may be adjusted or deleted in batch mode, and the solution run
again.  The solution may be restarted from where it left off, or reset to
the initial conditions.

In Batch mode, if the worst residual is > ERROR, then the solution is
rerun from where it left off (which usually improves it) a number of times
equal to the RECYCLE parameter.  If the residual is still too big, the worst
tiepoint is deleted and the cycle starts over (with RECYCLE more reruns
before deleting the next worst tiepoint).  This continues until the residual
falls into line, we exceed MAX_REMOVE iterations, or until we run out of
tiepoints (but a perfect (albeit nonsensical) match should always be available
with only 1 tiepoint).  If NOREMOVE is specified, the program terminates
instead of removing the worst tiepoint (thus performing only set of RECYCLE's).

If MAX_RESIDUAL is set, the above is modified slightly.  At each step, instead
of deleting the worst tiepoint, any tiepoints whose residual is abve the
threshold are deleted.

In Interactive mode, if the worst residual is > ERROR, then the worst tiepoint
is presented to the user for editing using the tp program.  The user then
has several options:

a) Exit without changing anything.  This will rerun the solution, starting
from where it left off last time.  It is often useful to do this several times.

b) Modify the tiepoint and Save and Exit (ctrl-X).  This will use the modified
tiepoint, and rerun the solution from initial conditions.

c) Delete the tiepoint and Save and Exit (ctrl-X).  This will delete that
tiepoint, and rerun the solution from initial conditions.

d) Select "Special Exit Status" before exiting tp.  This will cause MARSNAV
to accept the current solution, save the nav file, and exit, even if the
residual is too big.

See the help for MARSTIE for more on using tp with MARSNAV.

3) Once the residual is <= ERROR, or Special Exit Status is selected, the final
navigation solution is written to the output file.

TBD:  Need to be able to say "accept this point anyway and give me the next
worst one" from interactive mode, without exiting the entire MARSNAV session.

An output tiepoint file is always generated, with the results of the batch
or interactive editing.  Specify its name via the OUT_TPT parameter, which
defaults to "tptlist.tpt".

Each time a solution is derived, the nav file is written out.  This means
the nav file may be written dozens or hundreds of times during a run.
However, this allows the user to break out of the program and still have
a solution, if it just can't get the residuals low enough to terminate on
its own.  Or, an intermediate mosaic may be generated (copy the nav file
since it often changes) while the program is running, to check on progress.


The error function which is being minimized is called the residual.  This is
the sum of the squares of the differences between the projected tiepoint
location (first tiepoint projected to surface and back into the second image)
and the actual tiepoint location in that second image.  This causes the
function minimization process to attempt to reduce the tiepoint errors, which
consequently reduce image seams.  Each tiepoint is weighted equally, so more
tiepoints in a given area will cause marsnav to "work harder" in that area,
giving it more weight (probably at the expense of other seams elsewhere).
For this reason, the number of tiepoints per overlapping image pair should
usually be consistent across the mosaic.

There are two ways in which this residual is modified.

The most important is INERTIA.  This modifies the residual by adding a
factor that makes the images tend to stay in place.  For each pointing
parameter, the difference between the original value of the pointing parameter
and the current value is multiplied by the corresponding INERTIA value, and
the result is added to the residual.  Each pointing parameter can have a
different value for INERTIA.  The result of this is that, depending on the
weight imparted by INERTIA, images will tend to stay where they are, adjusting
less in response to tiepoints than they otherwise would.  This has the
beneficial effect of preventing "drift" of the entire solution.  For example,
for a typical cylindrical projection, you can add some value to all of the
azuimuths and not affect the residual at all.  The solution could thus "random
walk" around in azimuth, giving incorrect results.  INERTIA can prevent that
by introducing an error term whenever the azimuth moves.

Selecting an appropriate value for INERTIA is a dicey proposition.  The unit
of the residual is a distance in pixel space, squared.  Pointing parameters
can be any unit, but are typically in degrees.  Thus the units for INERTIA
itself are typically pixels^2/degree.  It is best selected by trial and error.
Experience has shown that values in the range of 5 to 20 are appropriate for
MER pointing parameters (coincidentally enough, both for mast camera angles
and for MI joint angles).  Note that it is not uncommon to have different
inertia values for each pointing parameter.  An INERTIA of (5,20,10) might
be useful for the right side of a stereo mosaic.  The 20 weights elevation
changes heavily, which tends to reduce vertical disparity.  The weights for
azimuth and twist are less, allowing them to change more.

Note that INERTIA applies only to image pointing parameters.  Pointing
parameters relating to surface models or rover localizations do not participate
in any INERTIA.

The second modification to the residual calculation occurs if the second
sample number in the input tiepoint file is negative.  In this case, a
special mode is used.  The sample part of the tiepoint is ignored; only the
line dimension is used.  This is intended for use with horizon points, when
clear features cannot be found in the sample direction.  A tiepoint on the
horizon, with a negative second sample number, will bring the horizon
into alignment vertically (thus avoiding a stairstep) without messing up the
horizontal alignment (usually taken care of by tiepoints lower in the image).
The line-direction error is boosted by 6x to over-emphasize these horizon
points.  It is unclear if this mode is really helpful or not; it was put in
on an experimental basis.  Note that the functionality of this mode (except
for the 6x factor) has been superceded by some of the new tiepoint types,
specifically 1-dimensional tiepoints.


The parameters NORMAL, GROUND, and SURFACE should be the same as those used
in the mosaic program and MICA (and, to a lesser extent, MARSTIE) to get
proper results.  If adjusting the surface model, make sure to copy the
resulting surface parameters to all downstream programs.  Failure to do so
will result in incorrect output.


Study the printout. It tells you a lot about what happened.

Most stereo cameras (e.g. MPF IMP, M98 SSI) are *not* designed to have their
nodal surface at the azimuth axis.  This introduces LOTS of parallax if single
images contain objects both near and far.  Pick your tiepoints intelligently so
you don't pick a near object in this pair and a far one in that pair.

It is important to remember that this program does *NOT* generate absolute
pointing parameters.  It only adjusts pointings relative to other images
*in the same mosaic* such that the errors within the mosaic are minimized.
It is not even necessarily the case that the parameters derived for a given
image in one mosaic will work as parameters to the same image in a different
mosaic.  They are likely to be close, but lacking any absolute reference,
each mosaic should be nav'd independently.

One or more images are usually designated as "Reference" images.  These
images are "fixed" in that their pointing parameters are not allowed to
change.  This "anchor" can keep the mosaic as a whole from drifting too far
off of some absolute pointing reference.  Without a reference, the overall
mosaic is unconstrained and could drift around significantly (but see INERTIA).
With a reference, there is still no absolute certainty of pointing, but at
least the results will be close to what the "actual" absolute pointing should
be.  If the reference image is known to be correctly pointed in absolute
terms, then the rest of the pointing adjustments made by this program will
come close to the same absolute accuracy - but even this is not guaranteed.

The Reference image is automatically selected as the "most connected" image,
unless overridden by REFIMAGE.  REFIMAGE=-1 will turn off all reference
images.  REFIMAGE is a list, allowing you to specify a number of reference
images if needed.

In order to accommodate large numbers of reference images, REFIMAGE accepts
negative numbers to represent a range,  For example, the sequence 5,-8 says
that 5,6,7,8 are references.  This shorthand is more convenient than the old
UNTIL parameter.  See the help for REFIMAGE.

A range of reference images allows one to e.g. add on to an existing,
navigated mosaic without changing the original pointings.  Alternatively,
individual images can be listed in REFIMAGE, and each one will become a

ADJREF allows some of the pointing parameters of references to be changed.
See the help for ADJREF.

A somewhat related concept is the IGNORE list.  Any tiepoints containing an
image listed in the IGNORE list will be removed from consideration.  This
allows you to concentrate on certain images without being influenced by others
(for example, navigating a foreground mastcam mosaic while ignoring a background
navcam mosaic).  IGNORE accepts ranges, like REFIMAGE does.


This program has been parallelized using Open MP (OMP), which is built in
to the g++ compiler.

By default the number of threads used equals the number of cores on the machine
where the program is being run (but see parallel_degree below).  The parallel
amoeba (pamoeba) algorithm, implemented from a paper by Lee and Wiswall, is
used to accomplish the parallelism (an earlier attempt parallelized the
objective function itself, but this method appears superior).

Parallel processing can be disabled via the -OMP_OFF keyword.  The number
of threads can be controlled by setting the OMP_NUM_THREADS environment
variable before running the program.  There are numerous other OMP variables
that can be set; see the OMP documentation.  However, the number of threads
is the only one that is likely to be useful in most cases.

The parallel amoeba function has an additional parameter, PARALLEL_DEGREE,
that is used to control how many vertices of the simplex are adjusted at the
same time.  This defaults to about half the number of independent variables
being adjusted (or 1 if OMP is off), but can be explicitly set via the
PAR_DEGREE parameter.

The parallel degree is related to but is NOT the same as the number of threads.
Parallel degree says how many vertices to look at in a single iteration.  Each
vertex can be evaluated on its own thread, or the same thread might look at
several vertices.  The number of threads will not exceed parallel_degree
(except for a rare corner case and some initialization), so it controls how
much actual parallelism is allowed.  Note that for parallel_degree == 1, the
algorithm devolves to be (almost) identical to the serial amoeba.  There are
two differences: 1) when scores in a simplex are tied, serial takes the
first while pamoeba takes the last, and 2) at the end, pamoeba copies the
"best" answer to slot 0 rather than returning an arbitrary answer.

So, parallel_degree of 1 will effectively disable parallel processing, but
will give results extremely close to the serial algorithm.  A higher degree
of parallelism changes the algorithm by considering multiple vertices at
once, which could have impacts on the results.  The impacts should be minor
and in the noise, however.

In general you do not want the parallel degree to approach the number of
parameters, as the algorithm gets less efficient according to Lee and Wiswall
(that has not yet proven with marsnav, however).  The best bet is generally
to let it default, in which case pamoeba will pick a number around half of
the number of parameters, that is also a multiple of the number of available
threads (to avoid thread starvation).

NOTE: Site (position and orientation) adjustment cannot be done in parallel
mode, due to the implementation complexity involved.


The "xml" tiepoint file format implements 10 different types of tiepoints.
Each includes different information, and should be used in different
situations.  They are numbered according to the "type" field in the XML file,
and include a snippet of XML as an example of the format.

Note that XYZ and angle values are translated appropriately for the specified
coordinate systems.

0) Traditional

    <tie type="0" left_key="1" right_key="2">
      <left line="53.43125" samp="356.2353"/>
      <projected line="634.3415" samp="43.43512"/>
      <right line="634.4556" samp="44.43252"/>
      <flags quality="0.85635" interactive="0"/>

Traditional tiepoint, used to tie images together.  "left" and "right" are
the actual tiepoints; "projected" is the left projected into the right just
for reference (not to be confused with the projection described below, which
is different).

Method: Left point is projected to the surface model, then back into the right
image.  The error is the difference between the projection and the Right point.

The parameter TRAD_MODE can be set to use an alternate measure of
error. With TRAD_MODE=MISS_DISTANCE, the line/sample error described
above is replaced with the distance in xyz space between the rays to
the left and right tiepoints, as calculated by xvector. With
TRAD_MODE=BOTH, the line/sample error and xyz miss distance errors are
added. With both TRAD_MODE=MISS_DISTANCE and TRAD_MODE=BOTH, the xyz
miss distance errors are scaled with the real-valued parameter

1) Fiducial

    <tie type="1" left_key="1">
      <left line="326.32523" samp="21.43516"/>
      <xyz x="0.43156" y="1.3455" z="-0.65425"/>
      <flags quality="0.764626" interactive="1"/>

This is used to fix an image point to an absolute reference in XYZ space,
for example a fiducial mark on the spacecraft at a known position.

Method:  XYZ location is projected into the image.  The error is the difference
between that and the given point.

2) 1-Dimensional

    <tie type="2" left_key="1" right_key="2">
      <left line="433.53216" samp="212.5326"/>
      <projected line="752.43556" samp="46.53116"/>
      <right line="756.34315" samp="45.3144"/>
      <angle degrees="22.5316"/>
      <flags quality="0.563226" interactive="1"/>

This is used for cases like a horizon, where useful features exist for only
one direction (e.g. the horizon is clearly delineated, but all points along
the horizon look the same, making traditional tiepoints unusable).

Method:  Project as in a traditional tiepoint, but the error is only the
component of the difference that is perpendicular to the given angle in image
space.  Thus, an angle of 0 is good for a horizon; an angle of +10 means a
horizon tilted at 10 degrees with the right side higher.  Angle is measured
in degrees CCW from horizontal in the right image's image space.

3) Infinity

    <tie type="3" left_key="1" right_key="2">
      <left line="12.42156" samp="531.31135"/>
      <projected line="513.5311" samp="43.4314"/>
      <right line="511.53151" samp="45.54531"/>
      <flags quality="0.885316" interactive="1"/>

Like a traditional tiepoint, but it projects to infinity instead of to a
surface.  Useful for tying horizon features (distant hills, far crater walls)
together when range should not be considered.  Needed only if position is
being solved for (via other tiepoints).

Method:  Like traditional tiepoints, but project to infinity.  Cannot be used
to determine position (only orientation).

4) Orbital XY


    <tie type="4" left_key="1">
      <left line="531.1354" samp="76.5432"/>
      <xy x="550.3551" y="-215.5531"/>
      <flags quality="0.331356" interactive="1"/>

Used to localize a rover by tying to features visible in orbital images.
The Z value of the point is unknown.  This translates to looking at azimuth
errors only (ignoring elevation errors).  Thus XY position and azimuth (yaw)
orientation of the rover can be determined, but not pitch/roll or Z.

Method:  Project point to get az/el.  Use that elevation to compute a Z at
the XY location.  Project that XYZ into the image.  Use only the component
of error in the azimuth direction (requires determining the orientation of
the image w.r.t. the coordinate system).

5) Orbital XYZ

    <tie type="5" left_key="1">
      <left line="531.1354" samp="76.5432"/>
      <xyz x="550.3551" y="-215.5531" z="-5.431231"/>
      <flags quality="0.331356" interactive="1"/>

Like Orbital XY, but includes a Z component derived from an orbital DEM.
This is really the same as fiducial XYZ tiepoints, except that a site-like
coordinate system should generally be used, rather than a rover-like one.
It's really just a different usage of the same thing.

Method:  Same as Fiducial.

6) Azimuth


    <tie type="6" left_key="1">
      <left line="124.431" samp="553.1315"/>
      <angle degrees="54.5312"/>
      <flags quality="0.5311" interactive="1"/>

Used when horizon features are at a known azimuth, but elevation may not be

Method:  Project the point to get az/el, then combine that el with the
supplied azimuth and project back.  Error is azimuth component only, like
orbital XY tiepoints.

7) Elevation


    <tie type="7" left_key="1">
      <left line="55.5311" samp="10.5315"/>
      <angle degrees="65.5315"/>
      <flags quality="0.4312" interactive="1"/>

Used when elevation of features is known (e.g. a distant horizon) but
azimuth is not.  Note that if both az and el are desired, the same image
point can be supplied with az and el separately.  (TBD: coordinate transform
issues with that).

Method:  Like azimuth tiepoint, but swap az/el.

8) Z Surface

    <tie type="8" left_key="1" right_key="2">
      <left line="53.43125" samp="356.2353"/>
      <projected line="634.3415" samp="43.43512"/>
      <right line="634.4556" samp="44.43252"/>
      <z z="-0.387"/>
      <flags quality="0.85635" interactive="0"/>

Like a traditional tiepoint, except that the left point is projected to a
surface at the given Z value, rather than the main surface model.  This allows
for example tiepoints to be acquired on a rover/lander deck (at a different Z)
and on the ground at the same time.  The surface model used is a plane with
normal (0,0,-1) and ground intercept (0,0,z) expressed in the coordinate frame
in use.  TBD:  coordinate frame transformation.

9) Dynamic XYZ

    <tie type="9" left_key="1" right_key="2">
      <left line="53.43125" samp="356.2353"/>
      <projected line="634.3415" samp="43.43512"/>
      <right line="634.4556" samp="44.43252"/>
      <flags quality="0.85635" interactive="0"/>

This is a tiepoint that looks like a traditional tiepoint but acts like a
fiducial tiepoint.  The XYZ value corresponding to the Left point is looked
up, and that is used like a fiducial to match the Right point.  This is
useful for cases where the surface model does not match the actual ground
very well, or when very different points of view are used (such as a
localization problem, in which case any variation from the surface model
is problematic).

This tiepoint has different requirements than the others.  In order for the
XYZ value to be found, the list file must specify the corresponding XYZ image.
Normally standard image files are supplied in the list, but only the label is
looked at (not the image data).  Thus, replacing that with a similarly-labeled
XYZ file should not cause a problem for marsnav.  (marstie does need the image
data, so two separate lists may be necessary here).  Be careful about
linearization modes: make sure the XYZ is either raw or linearized to match
the image you used to acquire the tiepoints.

Method: At the beginning of the run, the Left point is used to pull the XYZ
coordinate from the input file (which must be an XYZ image).  This value is
converted to the instrument frame (typically Rover) for that image (see next
paragraph).  During adjustment, this XYZ value is converted back to the frame
in use (typically Site frame), and then projected into the right image.  The
error is the difference between the projection and the Right point.

Note the coordinate transforms: this is a subtle point, but it allows these
tiepoints to be used for rover localizations (do_loc and do_ori) because the
XYZ point changes in the common (Site) frame as the rover position is moved by
the localization adjustments.

10) Miss Distance

    <tie type="10" left_key="1" right_key="2">
      <left line="53.43125" samp="356.2353"/>
      <projected line="634.3415" samp="43.43512"/>
      <right line="634.4556" samp="44.43252"/>
      <flags quality="0.85635" interactive="0"/>

This tiepoint is an adaptation of Traditional, replacing the
line/sample pixel space error with the distance in xyz space between
the rays to the left and right tiepoints, as calculated by xvector (the
marsxyz algorithm). Alternatively, Traditional tiepoints can be used with
TRAD_MODE=MISS_DISTANCE to have the same effect. Further, Traditional
tiepoints with TRAD_MODE=BOTH adds the pixel and xyz errors together.

The xyz errors are scaled with MISS_MULT to control the relative
strengths of xyz and pixel space errors when both errors are combined,
for example when mixing Traditional and Miss Distance tiepoints, or
when using Traditional tiepoints with TRAD_MODE=BOTH.

See also PARALLEL_LIMIT and RANGE_MISS, which modify how miss-distance
tiepoints behave.

1994-04-30 J Lorre - Initial mpfnav
1998-07	       Split of original MARSNAV into two parts:  MARSTIE and MARSNAV
1998-09    rgd Multimission conversion
2013-04-02 rgd Added MAX_RESIDUAL, REFIMAGE ranges, IGNORE
2014-05-21 wlb Added miss-distance tiepoints
2014-09-23 rgd Added MAX_REMOVE, squared miss-distance error
2016-10-05 rgd Added OMP-based parallelization
2019-10-24 wlb Initialized some variables; cleaned up some -Wall warnings
2020-04-29 rgd Added mintie parameter
2020-05-01 wlb Replaced sprintfs




Input image(s) or file list.


Output navigation table.


Input tiepoint file.


Output tiepoint file.


Input navigation table.


Output format of nav file. if format=xml, OUT_SOLUTION_ID is required.


Solution ID for OUTPUT nav file (required if XML format).


Solution ID for INPUT nav file, if needed.


To select tiepoints manually.


Reference image override. Can be a list of images. refimage=-1 means no reference image.


All images up to REFIMAGE(1) are reference images.


Allows some reference image params to be adjusted.


List of images to ignore in the tiepoint list.


Causes intra-set overlaps (within the non-reference set) to be ignored.


Final permitted pixel tiepoint residual.


How many times to recycle in batch mode.


Min # of tiepoints per image


Tolerance value for amoeba


Whether or not to adjust pointing


Whether or not to adjust surface model


Which locations to adjust (see level 2)


Which orientations to adjust (see level 2)


Whether or not to remove bad tiepoints in batch mode


Threshold above which tiepoints will be removed.


Max number of loops for removing tiepoints.


Inertia factor for each pointing param.


Starting key number for tiepoint file (XML format only).


Selects traditional or miss-distance tiepoints.


Multiplicative factor for miss-distance tiepoints.


Sets limit for rays being considered parallel for miss-distance tiepoints.


Whether or not to scale miss-distance tiepoints by the range.


Turns on or off parallel processing (multiple threads, single machine). Default: on


Overrides the degree of parallelism used. See the main help.


Surface normal vector.


Surface ground point.


Coordinate system used to define surface parameters.


The type of mars surface to use INFINITY, PLANE, SPHERE1, SPHERE2, MESH.


Mesh file for surface model VARI SURF_CSFILE File containing CS for surface model


Path used to find configuration/calibration files.


Specifies a mission- specific pointing method to use


Specifies a method for pointing corrections.


Tolerance value for matching pointing params in pointing corrections file.


Disables coordinate system sites.


Rover State File(s) to use.


Turns on debugging of RSF parameter.


Coordinate system to use. Ignored by marsnav, except for final surface model.


Coordinate system index for some COORD/mission combos. Ignored by marsnav.


Which site is FIXED for rover missions.

See Examples:

Cognizant Programmer: