Help for MARSNAV2

Marsnav2 is an alternative to Marsnav and not a replacement. Some of the 
parameters used in marsnav are not really usefull in marsnav2, at least in the
context of a full Bundle Adjustment. Some of them are however still available
in marsnav2. 

To do a Bundle Adjustment (BA) on a set of overlapping images. The set of 
overlapping images are related to each other by tiepoints (input). The BA
adjusts the pointing parameters of the images as well as the ground coordinates
of the locations imaged by the tiepoints. The adjusted pointing parameters are 
recorded in .nav file (output).

This program is closely related to the MARSNAV program. Inputs and outputs 
parameters and formats are kept as similar as possible. The main differences 
between MARSNAV and MARSNAV2 are:
- Implementation of a full Bundle Adjustment (simultaneous pointings and
ground points adjustment)
- Replacement of Simplex algorithm by a solver more appropriate to BA
situation (Google Ceres Solver external library)

MARSNAV2 supports any mission, instrument, and camera model supported by the
Planetary Image Geometry (Pig) software suite.

There are two ways to present input images:

marsnav2 inp=(a.img,b.img,c.img,...) out=navtable.nav in_tpt=images.tpt
marsnav2 inp=ascii_listoffiles out=navtable.nav in_tpt=images.tpt

where ascii_listoffiles is a text file created by Sybase or an editor,
containing the list of filenames to include in the mosaic, one per record.
Up to 200 input images can be listed.

An input tiepoint list must be provided.

Note: there are two tiepoint file formats; "old" is the text-based list,
while "xml" is an XML-based format.  The format is auto-detected on read.
Over time "old" should be phased out. Output tiepoint file (see OUT_TPT)
is always in the new XML format. This can be converted back to the old 
format if necessary using marstie.

It is important that all images be connected to each other via tiepoints. It
is also strongly recommended that images be connected by "tracks". A track is an
extension of a traditional tiepoint. A tiepoint is an association of 2 
observations from 2 images, a track is an association of N observations from N 
images. A tiepoint is therefore a 2-elements track. All the observations of a
given track "look" at the same ground location. A track is therefore associated
to one XYZ ground coordinates. Large tracks bring strong constraints on the BA 
and are therefore recommended. By construction, the maximum number of 
observations contained in a track is equal to the number of image in the 
It is also important to make sure that images or block of images are not 
disconnected from each other, otherwise significant mis-alignement can occur
between the blocks. 


1) The tiepoint list is analyzed and the pairwise relation of the input 
tiepoints is changed to regroup all observations that are looking at the 
same ground point into tracks. Unless the user analyzes the tiepoint
file, the tracks structure is not readily apparent from a tiepoint file. 
To identify the tracks, the Union-Find algorithm (also called Disjoint-Set) is 
run. In case there is no N-elements tracks, then the tracks list is equivalent 
to the initial tiepoint list.

2) Once the tracks are defined, the ground coordinates (XYZ) of each track is
computed from triangulation and based on the initial pointing of the cameras.
For N-elements tracks, XYZs from all the pairwise combination are computed and
weighted-averaged. The "weight" is inversely proportional to the miss distance
of the triangulation, i.e., to the distance between the rays, as they usually 
do not intersect perfectly. The larger the distance, the less confidence is 
brought to the ground point.

3) The BA structure is build (i.e., the association of observations (pixel),
ground point (XYZ), and pointing/sites parameters) and passed to the solver
along with any user defined constraints (reference images, parameter bounds,
etc). Solving for a BA mathematically reduces to a Non-Linear Least Square 
optimization (NLLS). These type of optmizations can only find local optimum and 
thus require the initial conditions to be close to the real solution. It is 
assumed that initial pointing parameters are good enough.
For each observed pixel in the tracks list, the corresponding ground point (XYZ)
is projected on the image (based on XYZ coordinates and pointing parameters). 
The location of the projected pixel is compared to the location of the observed
pixel. The difference is called a residual. In an error-free situation, the 
projected- and observed- locations would be identical. But, of course, they are 
not identical in real cases, because of errors in XYZ, pointing, and observed 
pixels. The difference in location (the residual) is squared and all residuals
(from all the observed pixels) are summed to form the "cost". The NNLS 
optimization will adjust the pointing parameters and the XYZs such that the cost
is minimized.

4) Once the optimization is complete there are few options available, depending 
on the user inputs. The options are very similar to MARSNAV apart from the 
absence of INTERACTIVE mode and RECYCLE. If the user did not ask to remove bad 
residual observations (NOREMOVE), the BA process exits and results are saved. 
If REMOVE, then the residuals are checked against ERROR. The worst observation 
is deleted from the track and steps 2 and 3 are reiterated. This continues until
the residuals falls into line, we exceed MAX_REMOVE iterations, or until we run 
out of observations (but a perfect (albeit nonsensical) match should always be 
available with only a 2-elements track).
If MAX_RESIDUAL is set, the above is modified slightly.  At each step, instead
of deleting the worst tiepoint, any tiepoints whose residual is above the
threshold are deleted.

5) Save the final nav file (main objective of the program).
Also, an output tiepoint file is always generated. The name is specified with 
OUT_TPT parameter, which defaults to "tptlist.tpt". However, because the 
structure of the pairwise tie points from the original files is lost when 
building the tracks, we reconstruct an artificial tie points file that 
represents the tracks. To do that, observations from the same tracks are 
re-paired. For instance, if one track has 4 observations 1,2,3,4, we are making 
the following pairs (1,2), (2,3), and (3,4). Note that for tracks with more 
than 2 observations, there is no guarantee that a specific tie point in the 
tiepoints input file will be re-paired in the output tiepoint file.


The simplex algorithm used in MARSNAV is replaced by a more robust, 
sparse-efficient NLLS optmization solver. The simplex is a very efficient 
algorithm when the number of variables to optimize is small. It has been showed 
that its performance degrades quickly beyond 3-4 parameters. Given that a 
multi-images bundle adjustment can have hundreds of parameters, a more adequate 
solver was needed. The Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm is used instead.

The output tiepoint file is different than the input tiepoint file. First, the
pairing of points (to reconstruct artificial tiepoint) is arbitrarily set by the 
program and depends on the track structure. That means that the original pairing
of the tiepoints is lost and new pairing will occur. Second, the output tiepoint
type is forced to TRADITIONAL. This is the consequence of the current existing 
list of tiepoints types that do not currently have an adequate format to 
represent tracks. A new format to account for track should be implemented in the

Marsnav2 does not support surface definition. The XYZ ground coordinates of the
surface points imaged by the tiepoints are defined by the program. The 
DO_XYZ keyword in marsnav2 means to adjust or not the intial XYZ coordinates 
estimates of the ground points based on original pointing parameters.

The optimization is based on the pixel residuals, equivalent to 
TRAD_MODE=TRADITIONAL in marsnav, and does not have MISS_DISTANCE or BOTH 
options as marsnav did. In essence, the miss distance is incorporated into the 
problem in the form of XYZ parameters.


Study the printout. It tells you a lot about what happened.

One or more images can be designated as "Reference" images.  These
images are "fixed" in that their pointing parameters are not allowed to
change.  This "anchor" can keep the pointings from drifting too far off of 
initial pointings. This is true of course only if all images are "connected" to
reference images through tiepoints.  Without a reference, the overall
mosaic is unconstrained and could drift around significantly 
With a reference, there is still no absolute certainty of pointing, but at
least the results will be close to what the "actual" absolute pointing should
be.  If the reference image is known to be correctly pointed in absolute
terms, then the rest of the pointing adjustments made by this program will
come close to the same absolute accuracy - but even this is not guaranteed.

The Reference image is automatically selected as the "most connected" image, 
deduced from the input tiepoints file,unless overridden by REFIMAGE.  
REFIMAGE=-1 will turn off all reference images.  REFIMAGE is a list, allowing 
you to specify a number of reference images if needed.

In order to accommodate large numbers of reference images, REFIMAGE accepts
negative numbers to represent a range,  For example, the sequence 5,-8 says
that 5,6,7,8 are references.  This shorthand is more convenient than the old
UNTIL parameter.  See the help for REFIMAGE.

A somewhat related concept is the IGNORE list.  Any tiepoints containing an
image listed in the IGNORE list will be removed from consideration.  This
allows you to concentrate on certain images without being influenced by others. 
IGNORE accepts ranges, like REFIMAGE does.


Part of this program has been parallelized using Open MP (OMP), which is built 
into the g++ compiler.

By default the number of threads used equals the number of cores on the machine
where the program is being run. Parallel processing can be disabled via the 
-OMP_OFF keyword.  The number of threads can be controlled by setting the 
OMP_NUM_THREADS environment variable before running the program.  There are 
numerous other OMP variables that can be set; see the OMP documentation.  
However, the number of threads is the only one that is likely to be useful in 
most cases.

Step 2 hasn't been parallelized due to the complexity to parallelize the 
Union-Find algorithm. There exists parallelized version of the algorithm, but 
the non-parallelized application of the Union-Find algorithm does not appear to 
be a limiting factor in the overall program efficiency. Disclaimer: Tests so 
far have been run on ~200k tiepoints and ~20 images.

Step 3 is parallelized because 1) it is trivial to do so, and 2) because the 
amount of ground points coordinates computation can grow very large due to the
combinatorial factor (a N-elements track will cause ~N^2 triangulation).

Step 4 is "half" parallelized. Ceres solver has two multithreading options. 
One for computing the residuals and jacobian for a given parameter set, and one 
for solving the linearized system. The parallelization of the former is 
currently not possible beacuse of racing conditions due to the way marsnav2
manages the pointings (pointers to PIG objects). However, the parallelization
can be (and is if OMP_ON) turned on for the later.


The "xml" tiepoint file format implements 10 different types of tiepoints.
Each includes different information, and should be used in different
situations.  They are numbered according to the "type" field in the XML file.
Marsnav.pdf includes a snippet of XML as an example of the formats.
Not all the formats are supported in marnav2. Only the Traditional (0), 
fiducial (1), Z surface (8), Dynamic (9), and Miss (10) formats are currently 
supported. Other types may be added later on. Snippet of XML formats of the 
supported types are shown below.

IMPORTANT: Note that, except for FIDUCIAL, marsnav2 is only interested in the 
pixel association, i.e., left line/sample and right line/sample. Marsnav2 does
not use other information (projected line/sample, z, for instance). In essence, 
all tiepoints are seen as traditional tiepoints by marsnav2.
The output tiepoint file written by marsnav2 sets all the tiepoints (except 
FIDUCIAL) to traditional, and sets "projected" values identical to right 

VERY IMPORTANT: If using FIDUCIAL tiepoints, the corresponding CS of the 
XYZ coordinates of the fiducial points must be set in the XML field
REFERENCE_FRAME. Usually it is ROVER CS, but not necessarily.

0) Traditional

    <tie type="0" left_key="1" right_key="2">
      <left line="53.43125" samp="356.2353"/>
      <projected line="634.3415" samp="43.43512"/>
      <right line="634.4556" samp="44.43252"/>
      <flags quality="0.85635" interactive="0"/>

1) Fiducial

    <tie type="1" left_key="1">
      <left line="326.32523" samp="21.43516"/>
      <xyz x="0.43156" y="1.3455" z="-0.65425"/>
      <flags quality="0.764626" interactive="1"/>

8) Z Surface

    <tie type="8" left_key="1" right_key="2">
      <left line="53.43125" samp="356.2353"/>
      <projected line="634.3415" samp="43.43512"/>
      <right line="634.4556" samp="44.43252"/>
      <z z="-0.387"/>
      <flags quality="0.85635" interactive="0"/>

9) Dynamic XYZ

    <tie type="9" left_key="1" right_key="2">
      <left line="53.43125" samp="356.2353"/>
      <projected line="634.3415" samp="43.43512"/>
      <right line="634.4556" samp="44.43252"/>
      <flags quality="0.85635" interactive="0"/>

10) Miss Distance

    <tie type="10" left_key="1" right_key="2">
      <left line="53.43125" samp="356.2353"/>
      <projected line="634.3415" samp="43.43512"/>
      <right line="634.4556" samp="44.43252"/>
      <flags quality="0.85635" interactive="0"/>

  2017-06-01 Francois Ayoub - Initial marnav2 based on marsnav
  2017-08-01 Francois Ayoub - Adding Fiducial points and INERTIA
  2019-10-24 Walt Bunch - IDS-7926 - initialized some variables; cleaned up some -Wall warnings.




Input image(s) or file list.


Output navigation table.


Input tiepoint file.


Output tiepoint file.


Input navigation table.


Output format of nav file. if format=xml, OUT_SOLUTION_ID is required.


Solution ID for OUTPUT nav file (required if XML format).


Solution ID for INPUT nav file, if needed.


Reference image override. Can be a list of images. refimage=-1 means no reference image.


All images up to REFIMAGE(1) are reference images.


List of images to ignore in the tiepoint list.


Causes intra-set overlaps (within the non-reference set) to be ignored.


Final permitted pixel tiepoint residual.


Whether or not to adjust pointing


Whether or not to adjust ground points


Which locations to adjust (see level 2)


Which orientations to adjust (see level 2)


Whether or not to remove bad tiepoints in batch mode


Threshold above which tiepoints will be removed.


Max number of loops for removing tiepoints.


Starting key number for tiepoint file (XML format only).


Sets limit for rays being considered parallel for miss-distance tiepoints.


Turns on or off parallel processing (multiple threads, single machine). Default: on


Path used to find configuration/calibration files.


Specifies a mission- specific pointing method to use


Specifies a method for pointing corrections.


Tolerance value for matching pointing params in pointing corrections file.


Rover State File(s) to use.


Turns on debugging of RSF parameter.


Coordinate system to use. Ignored by marsnav, except for final surface model.


Coordinate system index for some COORD/mission combos. Ignored by marsnav.


Which site is FIXED for rover missions.


Filter or not the track list for corrupted track. Default ON


Display or not in the stdout the images connectivity matrix.


Which loss function to apply to the residual during optimization.


Multiplicative scalar to force pointings solution in range defined by err*scalar.


Multiplicative scalar to force sites solution in range defined by err*scalar.


Which solver to use during the optimization.


Which verbosity of optimization report to display in stdout


How many residuals to display in the stdout


Apply or not the loss function for residuals display.


Display or not info on each solver iteration


Whether of not optimize fiducial points


Remove fiducial with high residuals


Activate and scale a Normal Prior constraint on pointing parameters

See Examples:

Cognizant Programmer: