Given a list of raster point clouds with overlapping areas, MARSXYZMERGE filters
out the point clouds overlapping areas to keep only points from one point cloud.
Two strategies are available (DENSITY and ORDER via the STRATEGY parameter) for 
the filtering process. The program outputs raster point clouds similar to the 
input rasters with points set to (0,0,0) if they were discarded by the 
filtering process.

There are two ways to present input images:

marsxyzmerge inp=(a_in.img,b_in.img,c_in.img,...) out=(a_out.img,b_out.img,c_out.img,...)
marsxyzmerge inp=ascii_listoffiles_in out=ascii_listoffiles_out

where ascii_listoffiles_in is a text file created by Sybase or an editor,
containing the list of filenames to include in the mosaic, one per record.
Up to 200 input images can be listed. Same definition and limit with


The input point clouds are loaded and stored in an octree structure. The octree
is recursively subdivided into octants until a defined maximum number of points 
(MAX_SPLIT parameter) are left in each octants. Once the subdivision is done, 
the points left in each octants are analyzed with the chosen strategy. The 
points from the winning point cloud are kept while all the points from all the 
other point clouds present in the octant are rejected. In practice, points are 
rejected by setting their XYZ values in the output raster point cloud to (0,0,0).

2 filtering strategies are available: 

DENSITY strategy: The point cloud containing the most points in the octant,i.e.,
the densest point cloud, is kept while all the other points (from other point 
clouds) are discarded. The assumption is that the densest point cloud brings the
most information and is less noisy than the others.

ORDER strategy: An octant to be filtered contains points from at least two 
point cloud sources. The points that are kept are the one from the point cloud
source that is first on the input list. This option is mostly useful for
mosaicing situation. In that case, e.g., nav cam point clouds mosaicing, density
is about the same between point clouds on overlapping areas. Traditionally, the 
first point clouds in the input list is kept.

An input XYZ raster can be either a one 3-band file or a three 1-band files. 
Both types can be supplied simultaneously in the input list. However, it is 
expected that the three 1-band files composing a XYZ raster are supplied 
contiguously in the input list. In the input list, if one 1-band file is found,
it is expected that 2 more 1-band files directly follows and are of the same
size, and are ordered as X, Y, Z. It is the user responsability to insure that
the input file list is correct.

The output of the program are XYZ rasters that corresponds to the input rasters
with some points filtered out. Raster size, type, labels, etc are kept 
identical. The output list must be coherent with respect to the input list. 
There are three options available that will depend on the number of entries in 
the output list compared to the number of inputs.
1 - All output XYZ rasters are saved as 3-band files, independantly of the input
  format (one 3-band or three 1-band). This case is selected if the number of 
  output entries is equal to the number of input XYZ rasters (which could be 
  different from the number of files in the input list if there are 1-band 
  files. Three 1-band files forms one XYZ raster).
2 - Output XYZ rasters are saved in the same format (3-band or 1-band) as the 
  input raster. 3-band XYZ input rasters are saved as 3-band XYZ rasters and
  three 1-band XYZ input rasters are saved as three 1-band XYZ rasters. This 
  case is selected if the number of entries in the input list is equal to the 
  number of entries in the output list.
3 - All output XYZ rasters are saved as three 1-band files, independantly of the
  input format (one 3-band or three 1-band). This case is selected if the number
  of output entries is equal to three times the number of input XYZ rasters.


  2017-08-01 F. Ayoub - Initial marsxyzmerge
  2019-12-13 W. Bunch - IDS-7926 - initialized some variables; cleaned up -Wall warnings; added unit test.



Input image(s) or file list.


Output image(s) or file list.


max number of point to carry density analysis


Strategy to filter the point clouds


Path used to find configuration/calibration files.


Specifies a mission- specific pointing method to use


Disables coordinate system sites.


Rover State File(s) to use.


Turns on debugging of RSF parameter.


Coordinate system to use.


Coordinate system index for some COORD/mission combos.


Which site is FIXED for rover missions.

See Examples:

Cognizant Programmer: