Currently, PKT(sfdu packet) and DP(data products) are supported as input source.

   MERTLMPROC reads the data from the MER downlink telemetry data stream 
   and creates Level-0 EDRs.

   Author:     Hyun H. Lee
               Jet Propulsion Laboratory
	       Pasadena, California 91109

               Tel  : (818)354-8466



Directory path where level-0 products(EDRs) will be save.


Name of session log file including the path.


Indicates the format of input source to process. Valid values: PKT or DP DP - The two names are data product specific. The .dat file is the data product file which contains a product identical to the product as it is stored on-board in FLASH. The .emd file contains metadata associated with the data product. The metadata includes information extracted from the product and packet headers, and indication whether the product is "complete" (.emd) or "partial" (.pemd). PKT - This is binary file containing telemetry packets with their corresponding SFDU headers.


Name of input file. When SOURCE=DP, mertlmproc assumes that file extension is one of .dat/.emd or .pdat/.pemd pair. Thus, user shouldn't provide the file extention. Any other extension will not be processed. And both .dat/.emd files MUST be in same directory. When SOURCE=PKT, file extension(.pkt) needs to be included in the filename.


Spacecraft Id. This is used for old data product which don't have <scid> in the metadata. When SOURCE=PKT, this parameter is not used.


Provides the commonly-used identifier of a mission phase. Valid values: CRUISE, EXTENDED MISSION, PRIMARY MISSION, ATLO, ORT1, ORT2, ORT3, ORT4, or TBD.


Identifies the version of an individual product within a data set. Value should be ordered list with 4 elements within the parentheses. 1st element for CAMERA, 2nd element for APXS, 3rd element for MB, and 4th element for RAT. The order is important. See instrument EDR SISs for more details of valid value.


Unique identifier associated with the release to the public of all or part of a data set. The release number is associated with the data set, not the mission.


Verbosity flag. If it's ON, the messages will be displayed on the screen while it is saved in log file. If it's OFF, the messages is saved in log file only.


Logging level for debugging purpose. LOW, MED, HIGH are valid values. Users should use default logging level.


Flag for the label generation.


Flag to use the trailing IDPH instead of the leading IDPH which is default IDPH. .END

See Examples:

Cognizant Programmer: