Help for XYZNET

A program to acquire a network of XYZ points from stereo pairs.
The output file is to be used by rovernav to compute rover orientation.

xyznet inp=listoffiles out=tiepointdata archive=old_archive
cat tiepointdata old_archive > new_archive


This is an interactive program.
The program will display pairs of stereo images one after the other.
The images are displayed with the left eye image on the right and the right
eye image on the left. You can see stereo by crossing your eyes.

Stereo pairs are identified from the input list of files by similarities
in their file names. See INP parameter. Xyznet identifies the stereo pairs
and displays them for you automatically.

For each pair select (by clicking the mouse) as many tiepoint pairs as you wish.
tiepoints should be limited to prominent features likely to be seen from
rover cameras. It is these features which, later on, will determine the 
rover's location.
You can delete an existing tiepoint by clicking very close to it's location in
either image. This will erase both the left and right location.
Each tiepoint pair has it's own color so you can associate and delete points 

If a tiepoint archive exists "data_archive" it's points will be displayed in 
white upon the imagery. You cannot alter these points. They are provided to
indicate where points already exist. You may not observe both stereo points
since they were obtained from other images with only partial overlap to the
ones displayed.

Four boxes can be clicked on to permit you to:
1 select the next stereo pair.
2 select the last stereo pair.
3 delete all tiepoints in the current pair.
4 exit the program.
After you exit the program you need to double click on the upper left of the
window to remove it.

Once you are done the program will compute the x,y,z points corresponding 
to each tiepoint you selected and will write the data to an output file.

Since the process of identifying prominent points for future use in rover
images is an ongoing process we want the tiepoint data archive to grow
(see ARCHIVE keyword). So when you have created another output file OUT,
concatenate it with the ARCHIVE:  cat data_archive out > new_data_archive.



input image list


tiepoint data


display device type.


stretch saturation


data archive name


Rover State File(s) to use.


Turns on debugging of RSF parameter.


Coordinate system to use. Ignored by xyznet.


Coordinate system index for some COORD/mission combos. Ignored by xyznet.


Which site is FIXED for rover missions.

See Examples:

Cognizant Programmer: